HSBC Hong Kong™️ 滙豐香港160週年 連動機關裝置 Commerical Video Production
Video Production・
Production Management・
Video Editing・
Online Editing・
Color Grading・
Client | 匯豐銀行™️
Agency | FUSE | Omnicom Media Group, NNNNNNN™️
Group Creative Director | Chilai Howard
Director | Kwokin
Producer | Kelly Cheuk
DOP | Silas Chow
Video Production | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
TVC Production・
KV Photography・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Online Editing・
Color Grading・
Starring | Lolly Talk
Agency | Cheil HK
Client | 邦民日本財務™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
WWF - 地球一小時 2025 - 連繫地球一小時 TVC Production
TVC Production・
KV Photography・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Online Editing・
Color Grading・
Client | 世界自然基金會
Starring | Ian Chan 陳卓賢, Kaho Hung 洪嘉豪
Director | Kwokin
Producer | Jake Ng
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
BIORE™️ - Facial Foam Wash 2020
Key Visual Photography Production
Photographer | Kelly
Producer | Anni
Production Assistant | Lilian
Art Director | Suetyi
Props & Setting | Maisy Ho, Lau Wing Hang
Gaffer | Billy Lai, Li Hok Fun Ravel
Makeup Artist | Amy Lee
Hair Stylist | Dennis
Model / Cast / Talent | Grace
Brand | KAO (BIORE+Pyuan)
Client | BIORE™️
Agency | Frengers Communication
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
奇華餅家™️ 心意如一
Key Visual Design Production
KV Production・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Design Adaptation・
Production Management・
Creative Director | Niko
Photographer | CK Chan
Designer | Steph
Adaptation | Maisy Ho
Production Manager | Jason Kwan
Project Manager | Arme Lam, Jason Kwan
Producer | Jake Ng
Client | Kee Wah Barkey™️
Agency | E’s Concept™️
Starring | Sumyau Liu
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #中秋 #月餅 #人月團圓 #design #adaptation
TVC Production・
KV Production・
Production Management・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Sound Mixing・
VO Recording・
Client | 職業安全健康局&勞工處
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Edan 呂爵安 《ChatMrE》 Official Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Online Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Director | Kelly Cheuk (@kellycheuk.jpg), Kwokin (@kwokin_x)
Creative Unit | the.Re.Life (
曲 | Hans陳思翰 (@iohansc)
詞 | 黃偉文 (@concertyy)
編 | Hans陳思翰 (@iohansc)
監 | Edward Chan (@edwardchan_emp)
The Moribund Girl | Alita Chow Lung Hei (@ac.0404)
The Deceased Volleyball Team | Shadow Wong (@wty1127), Wong Ho Ying Melanie (@hywmel), Halie Wu (@haliewhy___), Eelyn (@yeeeluum), Fung Choi Yan Joyce (@joycexfx), Dorothy Vince Chow (@dorothyyyyv), Anabelle Li (, Wong Tsz Ying (@yingwong_05), Mo Kit Ying Momo (@mky1215), Ng Pui Lam Christy (@puilammmmm_), Jody (@jodyax_), Fish Leung (@fish.cyleung), Hilda Lee (@hildaalee)
Bandmates | Tang Wing Hong (@winghong101), Marco(Guitar) (@marcowonghc), KaHing(Drums) (@lk.hing244), Tin(Bass) (@tinstagrmm)
Producer | Jason Kwan (@jasonkwan921), Jake Ng (@jake.joke.jaken)
Creative Director | NIKO (@niko.ko7o)
Assistant Director | Arme Lam (, Jason Kwan (@jasonkwan921), Lee Shun Sean (@seanleeshun)
Assistant To Director | Cho Cho (@_chochochooo), Fei Hui (@fei_s_fantasy), Sambi (, Lee Man Wai (@davu38)
Casting Director | Arme Lam (, Kelvin Wong (@dkkel)
Assistant To Casting Director | Serina Fong (@gnserinaof), Kath Chung (@kathonnuhc28)
Production Manager | Laitsz (@laitsz), Li Ming Hua Sosad (@sosadli)
Assistant Production Manager | Angus Yeung (@gussss.y)
Production Assistant | Hugo Wong (@hiiitowht), Priscilla Poon (@priscillapoonly), Sarah Hung (@h_my_s)
Director Of Photography | Silas Chow (@silaschow)
B Camera Operator | Vincent Ip (@vincent_ip)
Cam Assistant | Li Hok Fun (@ravelfun), Sokin (@waikinso), Kyle Kwan (@kkyh_186)
Gaffer | Carter Wong Ying Kit (@carterykwong)
Electrician | Lam Man Suen (@rwolf_lam), Tai Tsz Hin (@tpzs_6), Lee Chi Tsz, Ha Ka Chuan (@boeyhaha)
Production Designer | Suet Yi (@suetyi.obj)
Art Director | Karson Liu (@karsonliu)
Art Team | Dawn Lo (@dawnl021), Alissa Chow (@alisssssaa_a), Fung (@_lkf.s) Tsz Ying (@lautszy)
Artiste Management (Edan) | Ahfa Wong, Angela Hue, Crystal Lam, Cindy Li, Karen Chan, Endy Chan, Ronnie Lai, May Siu, Natasha Hon, Ko, John Lam
Stylist (Edan) | Anson Lau (@ansonlaucf1107)
Styling Assistant (Edan) | Fung
Wardrobes (Edan) | Diesel, Lane Crawford, Dmop, Kay Kwok, SVG, Angus Tsui, Both
Jewelry (Edan) | Bvlgari
Makeup Artist (Edan) | Giann Cheung @Annie G. Chan Makeup Centre
Special Effect Makeup Artist (Edan) | Gloomy Kwok (@Gloomykwokmua)
Hair Stylist (Edan) | Man Chan @CHIC Private I Salon
Costume Designer & Stylist (Cast) | Jovi Liu (@dear_jovi)
Makeup Director (Cast) | Gloomy Kwok (@Gloomykwokmua)
Makeup Artist (Cast) | Carmen Lau (@_cl_mua_), Bonnie Cheung (@bonniecheung_mua), Cat Yeong (@CATYEONG)
Hair Director (Cast) | Vikki Chung (@vikkivikki chung / @Viva hair flow stage)
Hair Stylist (Cast) | Kelvin (@kelviinn___hair), Leonnn (@leonnn.vh)
Choreographer | Ali (@artlikehongkong)
Assistant Choreographer | Yanki (@cham.yanki)
Action & Movement Coach | Kelvin Wong (@dkkel)
Stunt Choreography | Cheung Lap Fung (@scorpionfung852)
Stunt Team (Rigging) | Chan Kwan Fung, Tang Chiu Yau, Cheung Ping Chuen
Digital Imaging Technician | Raymond Chan (@itsyaboiraysir)
Still Photographer | Peter Ng (@cheuk__hang)
Post-Production Supervisor | Arme Lam (
Assistant of Post-Production Supervisor | Lee Shun Sean (@seanleeshun)
Post-Production Coordinator | Wing Chan (@wingcwh)
Editor | Shing, Raymond Chan (@itsyaboiraysir)
Colorist | Wing Chan (@wingcwh)
Assistant Colorist | Maryjan (@mj.sinmc)
Online Editor | Wing Cheng (@winggggcheng), Yaton Tai (@buendia_yaton)
Sound Designer | Raymond Chan (@itsyaboiraysir)
Title Design | NimYan Chan (@channimyann)
Cover Art | AI
Assistant of AI | Kelly Cheuk (@kellycheuk.jpg), Sarah Hung (@h_my_s)
Special Thanks | Asuni, Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School, Youth Outreach, 778 Auto sport / Shing Tat Car Trading Company Limited - Mo Leung, Gloomy Kwok@IAMWHATIAM, Henry Chu, Kingon, Maybo, Tommy Ng, Baby Elina
Catering Sponsor | Deliveroo Hong Kong
Produced by BLAHBLAHBLAH (
Client | MakerVille (@makerville.official)
Advertising Video Production
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Creative Director | Kwokin
Screenplay | Jason Kwan
Visual Art Director | Suetyi
Animation Director | Tommy Ng
Storyboard | BLAHBLAHBLAH, Tommy Ng
Character Design | Step C.
Layout | Tsui Brothers, Tommy Ng
Animation | Carol Ng, Tommy Ng, Moon Mao
Background | Tsui Brothers
Comp | Tsui Brothers
Key Visual | Step C.
Music & SFX | Fun Track Music
Client | Catalog™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Catalog (@cataloghk)和 Blahblahblah (聯手打造最新年度大作 聯乘香港動畫大師團隊 Tommy Ng x StepC. x Tsui Brothers用動畫帶岀與別不同的感覺,衝擊視覺享受
BLAHBLAHBLAH 團隊於 MV 領域希望觀眾支持本地演員和創作人,今次則選擇讓大家看見「香港本地動畫師」。今次動畫製作由 動畫導演 TOMMY @ POINT FIVE 帶領兩個動畫單位 STEP C 及 崔氏兄弟完成。
香港一直有很多出色本地動畫師,而且屢獲獎項,TOMMY 是其中一個。他曾參與多個本土及外地廣告、電影及 MV 製作,作品無數。動畫電影 「Implosion Zero Day」製作內則擔任動畫導演,其創作作品「長不高的孩子」、「逆石譚」曾於英國、 意大利、巴西、日本等多國參展或獲獎。以「逆石譚」為例,一個個精緻瑰麗的畫面、神秘氣氛、配合順暢無暇的動作,足見其穩健功力及清晰的個人風格。憑藉才華,贏得各領域創作人尊重,藉著今次品牌革新,TOMMY再次以動畫導演身份邀請到兩個動畫單位 STEP C 及 崔氏兄弟參與。
#catalog #cataloghk #explorethedifference #animation #creativedirection #directing #blahblahblahhk #blahblahblah #digitalart #hongkongphotographer #relicsimage #productionhouse #hongkongproductionhouse #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #artdirection #kwokin #hkig #hkphotographer #hkproduction #hkcommercial #commercialphotography #setdesigner #studioshoot #commericalphotography #artanddesign #creative #graphicdesign
Jollibee™️ - Key Visual Photography Production
Production Management・
Client | Jollibee Hong Kong™️
Agency | FUSE of OMG™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Jeremy Lee 李駿傑 《唯美本尊》 feat. Serrini
Cover Art & Photography Production
KV Production・
Client | MakerVille™️
Starring | Jeremy Lee, Serrini
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Clé de Peau Beauté™️《極緻臻美亮肌迎接佳節》Campaign Photography Production
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Client | Clé de Peau Beauté™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Director | Kelly Cheuk (@kellycheuk.jpg) & Kwokin (@kwokin_x)
Producer | Kelly Cheuk (@kellycheuk.jpg) & Kwokin (@kwokin_x)
Assistant Director | Lee Hoi Wah (@hoiwahlee) , Anson Chow (@ans0n_chow) , Arme Lam (
Assistant To Director | Tsang Ka Ho (@willmyheartstopinjoy)
Creative Director | Kwokin (@kwokin_x)
Client @warnermusichk
Produced by
Starring | MC Cheung Tinfu (@mcheung1201) & Panther Chan (@pantherchan)
Special Appearance | Bryant Mak (@boysquare)
Cast | Chow Lung Hei (@ac.0404), Wu Hei Yee Halie (@haliewhy___), Lai Chi Ho AhFa (@lai_chi ), Cha Kong (@cha.actress), Man Yuet Michelle (@michelle.lolo ), Lui Cheuk Hei (@jacky.luich), Yuen Tai Kwong
Director of Photography | Rick Lau (@mr.yeji)
1st Cam Assistant | Ching Lui (@baggiolui)
Camera Crew | Chang Ho Yin (@l3n.exe)
Gaffer | Malo Ma (@chuen109)
Electrician | Tracy Lam (@tracylamm), Randy Sasa (@randysasa)
Art Director & Set Designer | Maisy Ho (@maisy_ho)
Art Assistant | Tse Hui An Andrew (@anzutse)
Props Master | Wong Kim Kwong
Props Team | Bernard Man Ka Ho (@bernardman), Lee Man Wai (@davu38), Lau Chun Kit, Fong Chi Nang, Lee Kwok Ming, Ko Man Lung
Scenic Artist | Leo Lee Ho Yin (@__leeoh)
Stylist [MC] | Anson Lau (@ansonlaucf1107)
Styling Assistant [MC] | Chiaki (@chiakincy)
Wardrobe [MC] | @bulgari / @midnightfactory / @moschino / @_demo_official
Makeup Artist [MC] | Tammy Au (@tammyau_makeup)
Hair Stylist [MC] | Cliff Chan @ MYÖS (@myos_cliffchan)
Hair Assistant [MC] | Lucas Law @ MYÖS (@myos_cliffchan)
Stylist [Panther] | Hubert Tsui (@huberttsui)
Wardrobe [Panther] | @dolcegabbana / @giuseppezanotti / @johnhardyjewelry / @midnightfactory
Makeup Artist [Panther] | Angel Mok (@angelmok_makeup)
Hair Stylist [Panther] | Cliff Chan @ MYÖS (@myos_cliffchan)
Makeup & Hair Stylist [Bryant] | Gloomy Kwok (@gloomykwokmua)
Makeup & Hair Assistant [Bryant] | Lai Wing Ha
Casting Director | Arme Lam (
Production Manager |Wesley Wong (@37_wesley)
Production Team | Hugo Wong (@hiiitowht), Wong Wing Yee (@wwy.w), Jason Chan (@jasonchan0111), Vivien Jin (@j.iinvie), Mike Mak (@miike_mak), Cheung Wing Yee Winky (@winky0106), Tam Ching Yee, Dareca (@darecatam), Chan Lok Yiu (@to.cly_by), David Yau (@urbexscape.dd)
Production Assistant | Catsiu (@Cat_3iu), Li Minghua, SOSAD (@sosadli), Wong Kwan Ting (@wkt_gilbee), Serina Fong (@gnserinaof)
Stunt Choreography | Cheung Lap Fung (@Scorpionfung852)
Special Effects Coordinator | Chi Shui Tim
Special Effects Team | Sze-To Wa Hin, Xiao Wang, Xiaogao
DIT | Anson Chow (@ans0n_chow)
Post-Production Supervisor | Arme Lam (
Editor | Shing
Assistant Editor | Tsang Ka Ho (@willmyheartstopinjoy)
Colorist | Wing Chan (@wingcwh)
Online Editor | Wing Cheng (@winggggcheng)
Title Designer | Hailee Chan (@am.i.hailee)
Still Photographer | Jonathan Lau (@jonathanlausc)
BTS Photographer | Peter Ng (@cheuk__hang)
Special Thanks | Kelvin Wong (@dkkel), Jason Kwan (@jasonkwan921), Jake Ng (@jake.joke.jaken), Ng Pui Lam Christy (@puilammmmm_)
詞:黃偉文 (@concertyy)
編:徐浩(@terrychui22) / 黃兆銘 (@nickwong96)
Edan 呂爵安 JACE 陳凱詠 《漸漸我們》 (Gradually) Official Music Video
Starring | Edan Lui @edanlui / Jace @jacechw
Director | Kwokin @kwokin_x
Producer | Kelly Cheuk @kellycheuk.jpg
Assistant Director | Anson Chow @ans0n_chow / Arme Lam
Creative Team | Kwokin @kwokin_x / Kelly Cheuk @kellycheuk.jpg / George Ngai @ngaigeorge
男朋友 | Fung Wai Shing Jack @jackfws
爸爸 | Cole Cheng @Chengho
媽媽 | Vicki Tong @vickiiiii_0507
小朋友 | Marquis @oakesmarquis
女學生A | So Hsu Ying Ashni @ashxsoo
女學生B | Sheena Chan @sheenchann
女學生C | Wu Hei Yee Halie @haliewhy___
女學生D | Pansy Cheung @pansy_ts
辦公室男 | Lai Chi Ho AhFa @lai_chi
辦公室女 | He Yunchi , Latrice @yunchi_he
路人 | Chan Yin Wa @evachan_cyw / Chan Yin Hang @anna__chan / New Generation Police Props
Cinematographer | Rick Lau @mr.yeji
1st Assistant Camera | Baggio Lui @baggiolui
Gaffer | Malo Ma @chuen109
Electrician | Hero Poon @herophm / Tracy Lam @tracylamm
Camera Crew | Felice Ho @felicehoo
Art Director & Stylist | Suet Yi @suetyi.obj
Art Team & Styling Team | Morgan Lai @mormorlkh / Maisy Ho @maisy_ho
Wardrobe | MUJI
Makeup Artist [Jace] | Echo Makeup / Anson Lam
Hair Stylist [Jace] | Kenki Lau
Artiste Label [Jace] | JACE WORLD
Makeup Artist [Edan] | Deep Choi @deepmakeup
Hair Stylist [Jace] Man Chan @chichprivateisalon CHIC Private I Salon
Makeup & Hair Director [cast] | Gloomy Kwok @gloomykwokmua
Makeup Artist [cast] | Hoby Wong @hoby_wong_makeup
Hair Styling Manager [cast] | Vikki Chung @vikkivikkichung
Hair Assistant [cast] | Kelvin Wong @kelviinn___hair
Director | Kwokin @kwokin_x
Assistant Director | Anson Chow @ans0n_chow / Arme Lam
Assistant To Director | George Ngai @ngaigeorge / Chan Yin Hei @yinhei___ / Leung Ching Tung @viviannctt
Production Manager | Wong Wai Chit Wesley @37__wesley
Production Team | Hugo Wong @hiiitowht / Kathleen Chow @kathleen.hc / Kafai Poon @kafai1
Artiste Management [Jace] | Joshua Chan / Tonya Lau
Artiste Management [Edan] | Jocelyn Wang / Ahfa Wong / Letitia Leung / Yu Hui / Cindy Li / Karen Chan / May Siu / Natasha Hon / Ko / Judy Tsang / Cmui
Post-Production Producer | Arme Lam
Post-Production Coordinator | Wing Chan @wingcwh
Editor | Shing
Assistant to Editor | George Ngai @ngaigeorge
Online Editer | Bowie Leung @Imbowie
Colorist | Wing Chan @wingcwh
Title Designer | NY Chan @channimyann
Film Still & BTS Photographer | Peter Ng @cheuk__hang
Creative Unit | (Re)
Composer | Matt Chow / T-Ma
Lyricist | 亞木
Arrangers | Matt Chow
Producer | T-Ma
All instruments and programming by | Matt Chow
Bass by | T-Ma
Drums by | Jonathan SimStrings | 國際首席愛樂樂團
Vocals produced and recorded by T-Ma at Blue Moon Studios HK
Vocals edited by | T-Ma
Mixed and Mastered by | T-Ma
OP: Blue Moon Productions Limited /Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited / Sum Production Lt
SP: Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited / Music Nation Publishing Co. Ltd.
Label | Music Nation Records Company Limited
Muji™️《 #MUJIwear — 秋季服飾穿搭提案 》Campaign Photography and Lookbook Production
Wardrobe Management・
Production Management・
Client | Muji™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Jer 柳應廷 《 月居人 》(Moondweller) Official Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Online Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Starring | Jer Lau (@jeremylaous)
Director | Kwokin (@kwokin_x)
Producer | Kelly Cheuk (@kellycheuk.jpg)
Assistant Director | Anson Chow (@ans0n_chow), Arme Lam (, George Ngai (@ngaigeorge)
Assistant to Director | Ceci Chan (@ccahei)
Produced by | BLAHBLAHBLAH.HK (
月居人 | Jer Lau (@jeremylaous)
兔玩偶 | TinTin (@yuttin34)
侵月者 | Lam Yau Hin Daniel (@ly_hins), Cyrus (@thecyrusyip), Fung Wai Shing Jack (@jackfws)
Director Of Photography | Ching Lui (@baggiolui)
Camera Crew | Cheng Ho Yin (@l3n.exe), Michael Tsang (@michaellun)
Gaffer and DMX Operator | Malo Ma (@chuen109)
Lighting Crew | Hero Poon (@herophm), Tracy Lam (@tracylamm)
Art Director | Lele Cheung (@lelecheung_ @eastwindgoodart)
Art Team | Eastwindgoodart (@eastwindgoodart), Gin Chan (@ginhch), Fanshu.F (@fanshu.f), To Tsz Kin (@totszkin_), Miko Chan (@ctszyiu), Sam Leung (@samllhiiin_33)
Costume Designer [Jer] | Jovi Liu @ Jovial Creation (@dear_jovi)
Costumer [Jer] | Becky Man
Makeup Artist [Jer] | Rainbow Chung @ Annie G. Chan Makeup Centre (@kwankwanchung @annieg_makeup)
Hair Stylist [Jer] | Man Chan @ CHIC Private I Salon (@manchan0207 @chicprivateisalon)
Stylist [Cast] | Freya Cheung (@wlaam_c)
Styling Assistant [Cast] | Chan Ching Tung (@sing_singcct)
Hair Styling Director [Cast] | Gloomy Kwok (@gloomykwokmua)
Hair Stylist [Cast] | Cat Yeong (@catyeong)
Casting Director | Arme Lam (
Production Manager | Wong Wai Chit Wesley (@37__Wesley)
Production Assistant | Hugo Wong (@hiiitowht), Sing Ng (@singyu_ng), Ka Fai Poon (@kafai1)
Artiste Management | Jocelyn Wang, Ahfa Wong, Letitia Leung, Yu Hui, Cindy Li, Karen Chan, May Siu, Natasha Hon, Ko, Judy Tsang, Cmui
Post-Production Producer | Arme Lam (
Editor | Shing
Assistant to Editor | Anson Chow (@ans0n_chow), George Ngai (@ngaigeorge)
Colorist | Wing Chan (@wingcwh)
CG Artist & 3D Animator | Wyatt Lau (@hahahawaiwaiwyatt)
Compositor | Chun Yat Eric Chan (@ericc_vfx), Manki Chong
And five other post-production artists, working with us in the fields of Background Creation, Digital Compositing, Computer-generated Imagery, and Visual Effects.
Title Design | Innoise (@innoise)
Film Still & BTS Photographer | @2ectohandle
Creative Director | Kwokin (@kwokin_x), Jer Lau (@jeremylaous)
Special Thanks | Henry Chu (@henrychu1990)
Creative Unit | (Re) (
作曲 | 吳林峰
作詞 | 梁栢堅
編曲 | 恭碩良
監製 | 王雙駿
OP | Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited / The Fatboz Ltd. admin by Sony Music Publishing (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Drums, bass, guitars and synthesisers performed by | Jun Kung
All vocals by | Jer Lau (@jeremylaous)
Recorded by | carl"dafreak"wong at freekland
Mixed and mastered by | Matthew Sim
Label | Music Nation Records Company Limited
MC 張天賦《百萬大道》
Official Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Director | Kwokin
Producer | Kelly Cheuk
Creative Director | Kwokin
Assistant Director | Anson Chow
Assistant To Director | Joshua Wong
Composer | MC Cheung Tin Fu
Lyricist | Chan Wing Him
Producer | Gareth Chan
Production Manager | Terri Li
Production Driver | Potato, Chang Yat Hong
Production team | Catsiu, Lewis Wong, Mak Tsz Ching Christine
Director Of Photography | Silas Chow
GoPro Cameraman | MC CHEUNG TINFU
FPV Pilot | Somerley Ha
Focus Puller | Ravel Li
Cam Assistant | Li Hok Fun, Sokin
Gaffer | Godfrey Lai
Camera Assistant | Yip Yeung Kwan
Electrician | Ming Ting, Ho Wai Fung
Art Director | Lele Cheung
Art Team | EastWindGoodArt, Gin Chan, Sam Leung, Fanshu.F
Stylist | Anson Lau
Styling Assistant | Chiaki
Wardrobes | Christian Stone, Deopuz, Diesel, Dr. Martin, Midnight Factory,, Sweetlimejuice, Redemptive, Vivienne Westwood, YMDH
Make Up Artist | Tammy Au
Hair Stylist | Cliff Chan @ MYÖS
Hair Assistant | Rex @ MYÖS
Post-Production Supervisor | Arme Lam
Post-Production Coordinator | Wing Chan
Editor | Shing
Assistant to Editor | George Ngai
Colorist | Wing Chan
Title Design | Peter Lam
Still Photographers | 2ECTOHANDLE, Kelly Cheuk
Creative Unit | (Re)
Produced by |
奇華餅家™️ 婚享喜悅
Key Visual Production
KV Production・
Graphic Design・
Design Adaptation・
Production Management・
Creative Director | Kwokin
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Assistant Photographer | Li Hok Fun, Ip Tsz Hin, Ho Ka Lai
Designer | Steph
Post-Production | Matoko
Project Manager | Arme Lam, Jason Kwan
Producer | Jake Ng
Client | Kee Wah Barkey™️
Agency | E’s Concept™️
Starring | Chloe So
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #婚攝 #禮餅 #緣份 #新娘 #婚禮 #婚紗
Text by Leo Poon
Starring | sica @j.sicasi
Director | Kwokin @kwokin_x
Producer | Kelly Cheuk @kellycheuk.jpg
Assistant Director | Anson Chow @ans0n_chow / Arme Lam
Assistant to Director | George Ngai @ngaigeorge
Creative Director | Kwokin @kwokin_x
Dismayed Diner | Yo Wong @wongyooo
Diner In The Cafe | Demian Au Yeung Hak Ho @hoooh000 / Jiang Ting @siobhan_jiangting / Wong Ho Ying Melanie @hywmel
Children In The Playground | Marquis @oakesmarquis / Giselle Koo & Gabrielle Koo @giselle_gabrielle_koo
Director of Photography | Silas Chow @silaschow
Assistant Camera | Li Hok Fun @ravelfun
Gaffer | Godfrey Lai @god.lai_
Best Boy | Ming Ting @ming_m._.ting
Art Director & Stylist | Maisy Ho @maisy_ho
Art & Styling Assistant | Lai Suet Yi @suetyi.obj
Makeup Artist [Sica] | Choco Wu Yi Ting @chocowu_makeup
Hair Stylist [Sica] | Nicki Ting @ LEONARDO3 MUSEUM HAIR CORNER K11 @nicki_ting / Jacko Ko @_jacko_hair
Makeup & Hair Stylist [cast] | Gloomy Kwok @gloomykwokmua
Production Manager | Wong Wai Chit Wesley @37__Wesley
Production Team | Hugo Wong @hiiitowht / Ceci Chan @ccahei
Intern | Jasper Chan @jasperc.jpg / Iris leung @_ltkiris
Casting Director | Arme Lam
Post-Production Producer | Arme Lam
Editor | Shing
Assistant to Editor | Anson Chow @ans0n_chow / Jasper Chan @jasperc.jpg
Colorist | Wing Chan @wingcwh
Title Design | Cat Lee @catchacat
Film Still & BTS Photographer | Agnes Hang @hiavmy
Shooting Venue | 日日 @jourjourcafe
Food Props | Ezra @eforzebra
Creative Unit | (Re)
Composer: Terence Lam @terencelam0903
Lyricist: Oscar @oscarlee
Arranger: Nick Wong @nickwong96
Producer: Randy Chow @mankeungchow
Mixing: Jay Tse @jaytse
Mastering: Matthew Sim @mix_by_matt_sim
A&R: Herman To @herman_to
Artist Management: Karen Li / Katie Fung @kphone.atwork / Cathy Leung @cathycatl
Label: Music Nation Records Company Limited
Edan 呂爵安 《 油麻地莎士比亞 》 Official Music Video Production
Director | Kelly Cheuk & Kwokin
Producer | Kelly Cheuk
Starring | Edan Lui, Rence Yeung
Besties | Kris Cheung, Tang Wing Hong
Fine Dining Restaurant (Manager) | Matthew Wong
Fine Dining Restaurant (Diners) | Jake Ng, Jeremy Sky, Kenny Chiu, Ariel Suen, Miki Cheng
Yau Ma Tei(Workers) | Kenny Cheng, Lee Man Wai, Happy Apple Box
Cha Chaan Teng Owner | Thomas Lee
Composer | 溫翰文, Marcus李俊緯
Lyrics | 黃偉文
Arrangement | 溫翰文@emp
Music Producer | Edward Chan, 溫翰文
Piano and Bass Programming | 溫翰文
Strings Arrangement | 溫翰文
Strings | 國際首席愛樂樂團
Backing Vocal Arrangement | 溫翰文
Backing Vocal | 溫翰文
Editing | Edward Chan, 溫翰文, Kelvin Au
Recorded by | Edward Chan, 溫翰文 @nova and @Avon Studio
Mixed by | Edward Chan @Avon Studio, Assisted by 阿銘
Mastered by | Matthew Sim
Label | Music Nation Records Company Limited
Assistant Director | Anson Chow
Assistant to Director | Law Kok Sum, Joshua Wong
Director Of Photography | Silas Chow
Assistant Camera | Jim Chow, Gary Leung
Gaffer | Godfrey
Lighting Assistant | Hansel Ho, Ben
Art Director | Suetyi Lai
Assistant Art Director | Bernard Man, Maisy Ho, Lee Man Wai
Stylist | Suetyi Lai
Styling Assistant | Maisy Ho, Morgan Lai
Wardrobe |, Muji
Props | 黑馬研究所, Muji
Shooting Venue | Epic Interior Design Limited, 波士頓快餐店, The Kitin, Ricky Salon
Makeup Artist [Edan] | Giann Cheung @ Annie G. Chan Makeup Centre
Hair Stylist [Edan] | Man Chan @ CHIC Private I Salon
Makeup Artist [Renci] | Gloomy Kwok, Bonnie Cheung
Hair Stylist [Renci] | Vikki Chung
Casting Director|Arme Lam
Production Manager|Wesley Wong, Kathleen Chow
Production Assistant|Heyman Chan, Kafai Poon, Hayson Cheong
Artist Management|Jocelyn Wang, Ahfa Wong, Letitia Leung, Yu Hui, Cindy Li, Karen Chan, May Siu, Natasha Hon, Ko, Judy Tsang
Post-Production Supervisor|Kelly Cheuk
Post-Production Coordinator|Wing Chan
Editor|Law Kok Sum, Edan Lui
Colorist|Wing Chan
Online Editor|-
Title Handwriting|Edan Lui
Designer | Cat Lee
Still & BTS Photographer|Peter Ng
Special Thanks | Albion™️
Client | MakerVille™️
Creative Unit | (Re)
Creative by Kwokin & Edan Lui
Photography Creation
Art Direction・
Product Shot・
Production Management・
Creative Director | Kwokin
Photographer | Billy Lai
Gaffer | Mau
Art Director | Maisy Ho
Digital Render Artist | Suet Yi
Concept Sketcher | Louis Lam
Client | NIKE™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Rebecca Sylvester™️
Elevate Your Skincare with a Touch of Luxury
Product Photography Production
Art Direction・
Production Management・
AI Art Creation・
Client | Rebecca Sylvester™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
ROOAR™️ - Explore the Mindfulness Brand Launching Video Production
Video Production・
Photo Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Sound Design・
Client | ROOAR™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Lexus™️ NX300
Promotional Photography Production
Art Direction・
Photographer | Kwokin
Art Direction | Suet Yi
Client | Lexus Hong Kong™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Abbott™️ Eleva® Organic -
Online Promotional Photography Production
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Client | Abbott™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH
Lolly Talk《九千九百九十九個我》Official Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Director | Kwokin
Producer | Kelly Cheuk
Starring | LollyTalk
Ahyo, Egg, Elka, Meimei, Mui, Sinnie, Tania, Yanny
Yukki Tai 飾 The Skate Boy
Jiang Ting 飾 The Crush
Chin Ding, Wayne Ip, Chan Kak Nam, Wong Kwan Yin, Lai Ming Kwan, Ocean Wong, Qirong Wang 飾 The Skateboarders
Kelvin Wong, Wesley Wong, Jake Ng 飾 Security Guards
曲 | Y.Siu@emp
詞 | 小克
編 | Y.Siu
監 | Goro Wong
Vocals Producer | Goro Wong
Backing Vocal | Lolly Talk
Programming | Y.Siu@emp
Bass Guitar | Goro Wong
Mixing and Mastering Engineer | Matthew Sim
OP | Edward Music Publishing, Shoot The Lyricist Limited
SP | Warner Chappell Music Hong Kong Limited
Director | Kwokin
Assistant Director | Anson Chow, Arme Lam
Assistant To Director | Law Kok Sum, Westley Wong
Producer | Kelly Cheuk
Director Of Photography | Silas Chow
Gaffer | Buddy
Camera & Lighting assistant | Kane Law, Lobo Yuen, Angel Hernández Galván
Art Director | Lele Cheung
Art Team | eastwindgoodart, Fanshu.F, Dominic Poon
Production Manager | West, Wong Wai Chit Wesley
Production Assistant | Kevin kwok, Bryan Choy, Ka Lok Lam, Heyman Chan
Post-Production Supervisor | Arme Lam
Post-Production Coordinator | Wing Chan
Editor | Anson Chow, Endy Chan
Assistant Editor | Law Kok Sum
Online Editor | Bowie Leung
Colorist | Wing Chan
Title Designer | Innoise
Credit List Designer | Cat Lee
Still & BTS Photographer | Peter Ng
Creative Director | Kwokin
Special Thanks | G-SHOCK HONG KONG, TSK85IVE2, AlL Hong Kong Skateboards Association (AHKSA), 珊瑚海船務有限公司, 衣常足, Ling
Makeup & Hair Director(Cast) | Gloomy Kwok
Makeup Stylist(Lolly Talk) | Debby Chan, Shanshan Li, Lika Leung, Kammi Yan
Makeup Stylist(Cast) | Hoby Wong
Hair Stylist(Lolly Talk) | Terrence Chan, Amos Chan, Alva Lam, Sim Yau, Nana Tsui
Hair Stylist(Cast) | Cat Yeong
Stylist | PIPA Creative
Stylist (Cast) | Darren Tsang
Styling Assistant(Cast) | Vanko Ng, Bobo Wong
Wardrobe | SMFK
Casting Director | Arme Lam
Action & Movement Coach | Kelvin Wong
Choreographer | Pang2, Gabe
Digital Distribution | Daymaker Creatives Limited
A&R | Alex Chu, Endy Chan
Marketing & Promotion | Alex Chu, Bon Tong, Joey Lam
Artist Management | Endy Chan, Alex Chu , Ronnie Lai , KN , Charlie Chong, LOLLYTALKVISION
Victoria Beckham x Estee Lauder™️
Product Photography Production
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Client | Estee Lauder™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Launching Video & KV Production
Video Production・
KV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Director | Kwokin & Kelly Cheuk
Assistant Director | Alice Kwan
Videographer | Li Hok Fun
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Art Director | Suet Yi
Art Team | Maisy Ho, Andrew Tse
Assistant Photographer | Billy Lai, Mo Yu
Wardrobe Stylist | Ann Ngai
Makeup Artist | Amy Lee
Soundman | R
Producer | Au Cheyan
Project Manager | Ng Tsz Chung, Chloe Lau
Client | GLOWAGEN™️
Starring | Grace Chan, JLou, Spoon Chan
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Glowagen Supreme NAD+ Campagin Key Visual and Brand Video Production
品牌面世的第一支廣告影響深遠,我們知道GLOWAGEN的產品鎖定都會女性市場,於2021年為大家帶來Grace @ghlchan 與JLOU @jlouoffical 的燦爛笑容,盡情展現GLOWAGEN產品「抗氧抗醣」的迷人魅力。
抗氧抗醣 健康之美
#glowagen #supplement #beauty #wellness #skincare #blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #fashion #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #cinematography #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい
Olay 膠原彈潤 Super Boost
TVC & KV Photography Production
TVC Production・
KV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Sound Design・
Client | OLAY™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【只談美麗不免流於敷衍 將靈動化入OLAY第5代皇牌Super Cream的視象概念】
OLAY第5代皇牌Super Cream帶來全新的「三重膠原技術」,從彈性及潤澤出發,重啟美麗的開端。
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
kkplus™️ x Langham Place -
”kkplus in Vaporwave” Exhibition
3D Key Visual Production
KV Production・
Art Direction・
3D Modelling・
Key Visual Creation | Kwokin
Art Director | Suet Yi
3D | Morning Giants Studio
Client | kkplus™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Prolia博力加™️ - 《擺脫骨頭脆 活得更有趣》 TVC Production
TVC Production・
KV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Sound Design・
Client | Amgen™️
Agency | Fuse™️
Production HOouse | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Jer 柳應廷《 筆觸男孩憂鬱之死 》Official Music Video Production
Director | Kelly Cheuk & Kwokin
Producer | Kelly Cheuk
Starring | Jer Lau
The Elf of Desire | Yeung Hiu Fung, Bobby The Freak - Narcissistic Bunny Girl | Fung Choi Yan Joyce
The Freak - Pink-Loving Boy | Chung Cheuk Hei
The Freak - Protein-Obsessed Sumo Wrestler | Maxx Lam
The Freaks - The Workaholics | Kenny Cheng, Yuen Bing Sum Barbara, Andygap, Ng Pui Lam Christy, Chow Pui Yi CPY, Cheng Choi Luen Eurus, Chan Yat Tung Stephanie, Kwok Chun Yin Jery
Assistant Director | Anson Chow, Jason Kwan, Arme Lam
Assistant to Director | Law Kok Sum
Director Of Photography | Ching Lui
Assistant Camera | Chang Ho Yin
Camera Crew | Michael Tsang, Jimmy Sheung
Gaffer and DMX Operator | Malo Ma
Lighting Crew | Luk, Jim Chow, Wong Kai Yeung
Art Director | Sellwa Lok
Assistant Art Director | Simon Lun Yiu Kwan, Yubie Chan, Teresa Lau Yik Tung, Tammy Tai Yuk Ting, Yoyo Yu
Props Master | Happy Apple Box
Propsmen | Joe Yeung Ting Ho, Ho Fu Man, Tam Kit
Costume Design & Styling [Jer] | WAN JANSCO @THECLOTHESURGEON
Styling Assistant [Jer] | Amen Sae-Lee, Jackie Choi
Wardrobe [Jer] | THECLOTHESURGEON, bothparis, charlesjeffreyloverboy, sljlondon
Makeup Artist [Jer] | Rainbow Chung @ Annie G. Chan Makeup Centre
Hair Stylist [Jer] | Man Chan @ CHIC Private I Salon
Costume Designer [Jer’s Scarf & Accessories and Cast]|Sellwa Lok
Executive Costume Designer [Jer’s Scarf & Accessories and Cast]|Mim To, Yick Ka Wing
Assistant Costume Designer [Jer’s Scarf & Accessories and Cast]|Tanya Liu Choi Ying, Vanessa Lo Cheuk Wing, Angel Yeung Sze Wing, Kelly Cheng Hei, Karen Tsang Shuk Fan
Wardrobe [Cast]|I.T, i.t
Makeup & Hair Director [Cast]|Gloomy Kwok
Makeup Designer [Cast]|Twinkle Chan
Makeup Artist [Cast]|Hoby Wong
Casting Director|Arme Lam
Action & Movement Coach|Kelvin Wong
Production Manager|Li Minghua SOSAD
Production Assistant|Yau Sam, Catsiu, Lee Man Wai, Sambi Wong, Leung Ching Tung
Artist Management|Jocelyn Wang, Ahfa Wong, Letitia Leung, Yu Hui, Cindy Li, Karen Chan, May Siu, Natasha Hon, Ko, Judy Tsang, Step Lau, Eric Hung
Post-Production Supervisor|Arme Lam
Post-Production Coordinator|Wing Chan
Editor|Law Kok Sum
Colorist|Wing Chan
Online Editor|John Chan
Title Design|Innoise
Cover Art Photographer|Kelly Cheuk
Still & BTS Photographer|Fat Mo
Creative Director|Kwokin
Special Thanks|普照中學 / Sumbi
Composor|T Ma, Mattew Chow, Aki
Arragement|王雙駿, T Ma
Synth and programming by Tma
Bass by carl ”dafreak” wong
Drums by Jun Kung
Piano by Daniel Chu
Guitar by Aki
Trumpet by Paul Panichi, Ray podhornik
Tenor saxophone by Charles Huntley
Baritone saxophone by David Rodenburg
Trombone by Ben Gurton
All vocals by Jer Lau
Recorded by carl ”dafreak” wong at freakland
Mixed by Frankie Hung at freakland, The Shed
Client | MakerVille™️
Creative Unit | (Re)
COLLAR《𝗔𝘁𝘆𝗽𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹》Official Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Online Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Director | Kelly Cheuk & Kwokin
Starring | Collar
Producer | Jason Kwan
Assistant Director | Anson Chow & Arme Lam
Creative Director | Kwokin
Produced by
Director of Photography | Silas Chow
1st Cam Assistant | Ravel Fun
Assistant Camera | Chester Leung , Yu Hau Ming, Lee Kwan Wai
Gaffer | Carter Wong Ying Kit
Best Boy | Lam Man Shan
Electrician | LI Chun Kit, Lee Chun Yee
Production Designer | Suet Yi
Art Director | Lele Cheung
Art Team | eastwindgoodart, Gin Chan, Sam Leung, Fanshu.F , Jake Wan, KingJin Cheung , Eyilee Chow
Stylist [Collar] | Daniel Cheung
Styling Assistant [Collar] | Chesney Lau, Natalie Lin, Nova Ng, Jason Wong
Hair Stylist | Heitai Cheung, Kristy Cheng, Taurus Lee, Ricky Lam
Makeup Artist | San Chan, Kineks Ho, Percy Shing, Janice Wong, Cathy Zhang, Jenny Fung
Manicurist | Tiff , Yan
Wardrobe | Alexander Wang, Diesel, Dion Lee from Farfetch, Marni, Sandro, Claudie Pierlot, Thom Browne, Heliot Emil, Collusion, Reclaimed Vintage
Shoes | Charles & Keith, Roger Vivier
Accessory | Swarovski x Skims
Sunglasses & Optical | Puyi Optical & Gentle Monster
Stylist (Side Cast) | Freya Cheung
Styling Assistant (Side Cast) | LOLO, Wong Chin Man, Ivy Kong
Casting Director | Arme Lam
Action & Movement Coach | Kelvin Wong
Production Manager | Li Minghua, SOSAD
Production Assistant | KaYing, Hugo Wong
, Catsiu, Lee Man Wai, Serina Fong, Wong Kwan Ting, Chocho
Choreographer | ITSMIA
Artist Management | Wing Tai, Manie Cheng, Sarah Yue, Susan Hung, Avis Or
Dance Consultant | Yiu@IDS
A&R | Victor Tse
Post-Production Supervisor | Arme Lam
Editor | Shing
Assistant Editor | Anson Chow
CG Supervisor | KIMHo
Colorist | Eric Chan
Online Editor | Yaton Tai
Title Designer | NimYan Chan
Still Photographer | Cow10, Nosy Liu
BTS Photographer | Peter Ng
AI Graphics Specialist | Jake Ng
Special Thanks | the.hidden.table
Cast - The Workaholics | Tsang Sin Millie, Christy Ng , Anabelle Li Sin Tung, Mo Kit Ying Momo, Au Yeung Hak Ho Demian, Lai Chi Ho AhFa, Lui Cheuk Hei, Wu Hei Yee Halie, Lau Ka Ying, IU Ching Ue, Lim Ho Tik Andygap, Chow Man Chung
Cast - The Videographer | Kelvin Wong
作曲:J-Lin / B-rock / harukajay
編曲:J-Lin / B-rock / Jonathan Chan
監製:T-Ma / 謝國維
Programming and instruments by J-Lin & B-rock
Additional programming by Jonathan Chan
Vocals recorded and produced by T-Ma and 謝國維 at Blue Moon Studios HK.
Vocal editing by T-Ma and Jonathan Chan
Mixed and Mastered by T-Ma
OP: Music Cube, Inc/Five Rocks Ltd
SP: Peermusic (S.E.Asia) Ltd/Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Ltd
Catalog™️ Collaboration
Advertising Photography Production
Art Direction・
3D Modelling・
Production Management・
Client | Catalog™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Stylenanda 3CE™️ Red Recipe Matte Lip Color
Creative Photography
Creative Direction・
Product Shot・
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Creative Director| Kelly Cheuk, Kwokin
Producer | Annisa Au
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Art Director | Suet Yi
Set Production Designer | Maisy Ho
Props Designer | Maisy Ho
Studio Manager | Billy Lai, assisted by Wai Jai
Client | 3CE™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Director | Kwokin
Producer | Kelly Cheuk , Jason Kwan, Jake Ng
Creative Director | 誠與信
Starring | Edan Lui / Ah Jeng (Wong Ching Yi) / Tsui Ho Cheong / Kaki Sham / ChiChi
Cameo Appearance | Edward Chan
曲 : Edwin Tong
詞 : 周耀輝
編 : Edwin Tong@emp
監 : Edward Chan / Edwin Tong@emp
Piano / Bass / Strings and Brass Programming by Edwin Tong
Drums by Jonathan Sim
Electric Guitar by 鄺梓喬
Backing Vocal Arranged by Edwin Tong
Backing Vocal by Edwin Tong, Adam Sang
Pro Tools Editing by Edward Chan, Edwin Tong, Kelvin Au
Recorded by Edward Chan, Edwin Tong@nova
Mixed by Matthew Sim
Mixing Assisted by Jonathan Sim
Mastered by Matthew Sim
Label Music Nation Records Company Limited
Little Chichi | Summer Wong
Little Ah Jeng | Ashely Lee Tsz Yan
Little Fat Cheong | Lauren Wong Man Yin
Little Kaki | Xu Kei Fung
Edan‘s Elf as Kid | Dipper Alien
Edan‘s Elf as Muscular Man | Johnsoncmc
Edan‘s Elf as Cute Doggie | Doudou
Student | Kenny Cheng, Colman Col, Elly Chan, Anesa Chong, Selina So, SF Lui, Tobby Chui
Artiste Management (Edan) | Ahfa Wong, Letitia Leung, Yu Hui, Angela Hue, Cindy Li, Crystal Lam, Karen Chan, Endy Chan, May Siu, Natasha Hon, Ko, John Lam
Artiste Management (Tsui Ho Cheong) | Milkyway Hairun Artists Limited
Artiste Management (Ah Jeng (Wong Ching Yi) ) | Stephanie @ CRHK, Jasmine @ CRHK
Artiste Management (Kaki Sham) | Master Our Mind Production Ltd
Artiste Management (ChiChi) | Shum Yan Kiu , Hirari
Assistant Director | Arme Lam , Jason Kwan , Li Chung Shun Assistant To Director | Yui Wu , Serina Fong
Director Of Photography | Ching Lui
1st Cam Assistant | Micheal Tsang
Camera Crew | Jimmy Sheung , David Luk
Gaffer | Hero Poon
Electrician | Randy Lee , Luk King Hei , Lam Lam Ling
Production Designer | Suet Yi
Art Director | Suet Yi
Art Assistant | Morgan Lai , Maisy Ho , Lee Man Wai , Alice Kwan , Kukki Chan
Props team | Lee Man Wai, Bernard Man
Costume Design & Styling | WAN JANSCO @ THECLOTHESURGEON
Styling Assistant | Wong Adrian , Rainy Ma , Amen Sae-Lee
Wardrobes | THECLOTHESURGEON , BVLGARI , Christian Louboutin , Sandro , PURPLE , GENTLE MONSTER , Puyi Optical , FBMT , KAY KWOK, MISBHV , CHRISTIAN STONE , DEMO, both , Prettyprettiessss
Makeup Artist (Edan) | Giann Cheung @Annie G. Chan Makeup Centre
Hair Stylist (Edan) | Man Chan @CHIC Private I Salon
Makeup & Hair Director (Cast) | Gloomy Kwok
Makeup (Cast) | Cat Yeong , Carmen Lau, Sandy Cheng, BoBo Man
Hair Director (Cast) | VIKKI Chung
Hair Stylist (Cast) | Leon Chan
Casting Director | Arme Lam
Assistant To Casting Director | Serina Fong
Action & Movement Coach | Kelvin Wong
Production Manager | Li Minghua,SOSAD
Production Assistant | KaYing , TSANG Yu Ting , Marco Cheung , Yau Sam
Assistant To Creative Director | Yui Wu
Assistant To Producer | Priscilla Poon, Zoe Lau
Post-Production Supervisor | Arme Lam
Post-Production Coordinator | Wing Chan
Post-Production Assistant | Serina Fong
Editor | Hody Law
Online Editor | Bowie Leung
Colorist | Wing Chan
Assistant Colorist | Maryjan
Sound Designer | Raymond Chan
Title Designer | NimYan Chan
Still Photographer | tommytfortwo
BTS Photographer | Peter Ng
Special Thanks | Jacques n Grill™️ , 三哥, Christy Lai
Special Thanks | ghd™️
Client | MakerVille™️
Creative Unit |
林海山城 Villa Lucca™️ - 設計師訪問系列
Interview Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound Mixing・
Client | 林海山城 Villa Lucca™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Villa Lucca是位於大埔半山的全新海景豪宅項目,主打環境與建築設計的相互結合。如何將自然環境化入建築設計之間達至和諧融洽,林海山城的設計方案擁有教科書一般的深度。我們拍攝宣傳短片時就進行並剪輯了部份專訪他們室內設計師的片段,並通過畫面的剪接,讓觀眾感受到那份來自設計語言的重量。
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
疫情下無得拜年,齋send句恭賀說話俾親友又好似太過悶,派「e利是」加個動態sticker即刻生猛哂 !經典又可愛的動態Sticker 與Tap&Go 「e利是」功能相輔相乘。
Project Manager | Arme Lam
Graphic Designer | Steph Fong, Toto Ho
Animation | Willy Poon, Basic Law
Website Production | Willy Poon, Basic Law
Producer | Jake Ng
Client | Hong Kong Telecom (HKT)™️
Produced by BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Muji™️《 #MUJIwear — 春季服飾穿搭提案 》Campaign Photography and Lookbook Production
Wardrobe Management・
Production Management・
Client | Muji™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Edan 呂爵安 《月光奏明曲 Moonlight Sonata in “E“ minor 》 Official Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Director | Kwokin
Producer | Kelly Cheuk
Starring | Edan Lui
The Devil's Disciples | Jasper, Max, PC, Momo, Tung, Saiter, Nok, Tsun, Hohin, Nok8521
The Wealthy Diners | Chu Tsz Fung, Lai Chi Ho AhFa, Kwok Chun Yin Jery, Yuen Bing Sum Barbara, Wong Tsz Ying, Chow Dorothy Vince , So Hsu Ying Ashni, Wu Hei Yee Halie, Toby Fong, Angelo Chan , Toby Loong, Jessie Ng, Ar Ki
Composer | Daniel Toh / Robynn Yip / Patrick Yip
Lyricist | T-Rexx
Arrangers | Daniel Toh / Patrick Yip / T-Ma
Producer | T-Ma
All instruments and programming by | Daniel Toh / Patrick Yip
Piano solo by | Patrick Yip
Additional programming by | T-Ma
Backing vocals by | Edan / Daniel Toh / Robynn Yip
Vocals produced and recorded at Blue Moon Studios by T-Ma
Vocals edited by | Jonathan Chan
Mixed and Mastered by | Matthew Sim
OP | The Noumenal Limited, Rye Music Studios Limited / His Art Laboratory Limited, Fossil Hustler Limited
SP | Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited
Label | Music Nation Records Company Limited
Assistant Director | Lee Hoi Wah, Anson Chow, Arme Lam
Assistant To Director | Hugo Wong, Catsiu, Hanson Wong, George Ngai, Leung Ching Tung, Law Kok Sum
Director Of Photography | Silas Chow
Focus Puller | Ravel Li
Camera Assistant | Kane Law
Gaffer | Carter wong ying kit
Electrician | To Kai Ching, Lee Chi Tsz, Fung Kam Cheong, Ko Wing Chai
Art Director | Lele Cheung
Art Team | Eastwindgoodart, Gin Chan, Sam Leung, Fanshu.F, To Tsz Kin, Kaiyo Cheng
Stylist [Edan] | Anson Lau
Styling Assistant [Edan] | Chiaki, Eva Chan
Wardrobe [Edan] | Dickson Lim Couture, AKTK, Kev Yiu, Jovial Creation,, Redmptive, Christian Lounoutin, Both, BVLGARI
Makeup Artist [Edan] | San Chan
Assistant of Makeup Artist [Edan] | Percy Shing / Cathy Zhang
Hair Stylist [Edan] | Man Chan @ CHIC Private I Salon @manchan0207 @chicprivateisalon
Stylist [Dancer] | Jovi Liu @Jovial Creation
Stylist [Cast] | Freya Cheung
Styling Assistant [Cast] | Amy Ngai, Siu Yuen Lam Katie, Cheung Dyane Rani
Makeup & Hair Director [Cast] | Gloomy Kwok
Hair Styling Manager [Cast] | Vikki Chung
Hair Stylist [Cast] | Cat Yeong
Hair Assistant [Cast] | Kelvin Wong, Leon
Casting Director | Arme Lam
Action & Movement Coach | Kelvin Wong
Production Manager | Ho Lok Yee Gloria, Li Minghua SOSAD
Production Assistant | Luna Chan, Arthur Cheuk, Marco Cheung, Choi Chun Hei Jacky
Choreographer | Beep Lok
Artist Management | Jocelyn Wang / Ahfa Wong / Letitia Leung / Yu Hui / Cindy Li / Karen Chan / May Siu / Natasha Hon / Ko / Judy Tsang / Cmui
Post-Production Producer | Arme Lam
Editor | Anson Chow, Endy Chan, Edan Lui
Assistant Editor | Tsang Ka Ho
Colorist | Wing Chan
VFX Supervisor | Henry Chu @3JBK
VFX Artist | Wong Hiu Wai @3JBK
Title Designer | NY Chan
Film Still & BTS Photographer | Peter Ng
Creative Unit | (Re)
Creative by | Kwokin, Edan Lui
Herbal Essences™️
Advertising Video & KV Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Retouching & Editing・
Creative Director | Kwokin
Video Director | Kwokin
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Producer | Christy Tse
Art Director | Kelly Cheuk
Executive Art Director | Suetyi Lai, Maisy Ho
Studio Manager | Billy Lai
Client | Herbal Essences™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#blahblahblahhk #blahblahblah #kellycheuk #kellycheukjpg #hongkongphotographer #relicsimage #videoproduction #productionhouse #hongkongproductionhouse #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #artdirection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkproduction #hkcommercial #commercialphotography #setdesigner #studioshoot #commericalphotography #artanddesign #creative #graphicdesign #shampoo #personalcare #keyvisual #layoutdesign #herbalessenceshk #pandg #herbalessences
Return 回本™️ - 肝機能再生配方
Television Commercial Production
TVC Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Sound Design・
Online Editing・
Client | Return 回本™️
Agency | Grandmother Digital™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
由 BLAHBLAHBLAH™️ 製作的 Return 回本™️ - 肝機能再生配方電視廣告。這部香港FMCG廣告以消費者為藍本,讓觀眾與品牌自然互動。由藝人黃祥興以都市爸爸的形象,喚起觀眾對日常疲累的共鳴,並巧妙地將產品作為改善肝機能問題的解決方案導入觀眾的腦袋。我們在這廣告中提供Advertising Video 製作服務,以及由專業導演、美術指導、剪接師等,為您提供一站式的廣告製作服務。—
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #FMCG #FMCGhk #advertising
SHISEIDO™️ - SkinSENSOR Photo Production
幸福傷風素™️ - 無睡意幸福傷風素 5分鐘,速見效,唔眼訓
Television Commercial Production
TVC Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Sound Design・
Online Editing・
Client | 幸福醫藥™️
Agency | Grandmother Digital™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #FMCG #FMCGhk #advertising
TVC Production・
KV Production・
Production Management・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Sound Mixing・
VO Recording・
Client | 職業安全健康局&勞工處
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
林海山城 Villa Lucca 風水篇
Avertising Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound Mixing・
Client | 香港興業™️|希慎興業™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【最講究的格局 林海山城的第一身視點廣告】
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
Director | Arme Lam, Kwokin
Producer | Kelly Cheuk, Jake Ng
Starring | LollyTalk
Ahyo, Egg, Elka, Meimei, Mui, Sinnie, Tania, Yanny
曲 | Sinnie Ng
詞 | 雷暐樂
編 | Chick Chan, Goro Wong
監 | Goro Wong
Vocals Producer | Goro Wong, Sinnie Ng
Backing Vocal | Sinnie Ng, Elka, Mui
Programming | Chick Chan, Goro Wong
Guitar | Goro Wong
Bass | Chick Chan
Drums | Trista Ng
Drums Recording Engineer | Kalung Ko @ 117A Studio
Mixing and Mastering Engineer | Matthew Sim
OP | Daymaker Creatives Limited admin by Media Asia Music Publishing Ltd
SP | Sony Music Publishing (Hong Kong) Ltd
Director | Arme Lam, Kwokin
Assistant Director | Anson Chow
Assistant To Director | Fat Mo, Jason Kwan
Producer | Kelly Cheuk, Jake Ng
Assistant Producer | Serina Fong
Director Of Photography | Silas Chow
Gaffer & 2nd unit Cinematography | Godfrey Lai
Camera & Lighting assistant | Kyle Kwan, Ho Wang Po , Oushi Chan
Art Director | Freya Cheung
Art Team | Siu Yuen Lam Katie, Cheung Dyane Rani, Go Meh, Lokyin Chan, Kiki Cheng, Saxon Wong, Chan Hung Fei, Faye
Propsman | Happy Apple Box
Production Manager | Wong Wai Chit Wesley, Jessie Yeung
Production Assistant | Veko Chan, Sam.C, Wong Wing Yee, Ting Yan Louise
Research Assistant | Gilbee Wong
Post-Production Supervisor | Arme Lam
Post-Production Coordinator | Wing Chan
Illustrator & Animator | OnTungC
Editor | Anson Chow
Online Editor | John Chan
Colorist | Wing Chan
Title Designer | OnTungC
Credit List Designer | Serina Fong
Still & BTS Photographer | Peter Ng, Fat Mo
Creative Director | Kwokin
Special Thanks | Tsang Ka Ho
Makeup Stylist | Kammy Yan, Yucca Yu, Lika Leung, Debby Chan, Shan Shan
Hair Stylist | Terrence Chan, Cedric Tsang, Alva Lam, Nana Tsui, Sim Yau
Digital Distribution | Daymaker Creatives Limited
A&R | Alex Chu, Endy Chan
Marketing & Promotion | Alex Chu, Bon Tong, Joey Lam
Artist Management | Alex Chu , Ronnie Lai , KN , Charlie Chong, Endy Chan
Campsite and Camp Gear Sponsor | 森之谷, GoGo Camp , 山林里
Coffee Shop & Food Scene Sponsor | Bendito Cafe
Creative Unit |
Catalog™️ -
Seasonal Lookbooks Production (Multiple seasons)
Art Direction・
Retouching & Editing・
Production Management・
Client | Catalog™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Kiri T - 扭擰雪糕屋 Twist Cone
Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Starring | Kiri T
Cameo | MC
Fangirl | To Yim Shan
Creameologist | Woody Kwong, Danffas Lau, Moon Chan, Charlize Lai
Biker | Diz Li
Couple | Peter, Nicole Chung Yuen Tung
MC Fans | DingDing, Kendra Li, Evelyn Hung, Lau Wing Tsz, Winnie Wai, Yeung Yuen Yi Kelly, Chiyan, Iris Leung, Ally Chan, Nicole Wong, Ma Ling Yi, Jasmine Yeung, Ho Lok Yiu, Serena Wong Ting Yan
Director | NIKO, Kelly Cheuk
Assistant Director | Jason Kwan
Production Manager | Arme Lam
Production Assistant | Raymond Chan, Aaron Ma, Bowen Tam, OneHeart, Serina Fong, Don Tsang, Sum
Creative | NIKO
Director Of Photography | Ching Lui
1st Assistant Camera | Micheal Tsang
Assistant Camera | Jimmy Sheung, Chang Ho Yin
Gaffer | Poon Ho Man
Best boy | Ma Pui Chuen, Lam Ying Tung, Tam Cheuk Sing
Location Sound Recordist | Raymond Chan
Art Director & Set Designer | Lai Suet Yi
Art Team | Ho Mei Shin Maisy, Kwan Yuet Ying, Lee Man Wai, Ngai Wing Tung, Tse Hui An Andrew
Stylist | Wan Jansco
Styling Assistant | Wong Adrian, Amen SaeLee, Tiffany Tsui
Wardrobe (Kiri) | Theclothesurgeon / Area / Dion Lee @Farfetch / Celine Kwan / Charles & Keith / ZNS Jewellery / Emphasis Jewellery / Exitexistnails
Wardrobe (MC) | Namacheko / Demo / Sweetlimejuice / Emphasis Jewellery
Wardrobe (Dancers) | Theclothesurgeon / Somewhere Nowhere / Yanyanknits
Make Up Artist (Kiri T) | Gabbie Lee
Hair Stylist (Kiri T) | Jaden R @Trinity Salon
Make Up Artist (MC) | Tammy Au
Hair Stylist (MC) | Cliff Chan @Hair Corner K11 Musea
Make Up Artist And Hair Stylist (Cast) | Gloomy Kwok
Make Up Artist And Hair Styling Assistant (Cast) | Sheila Ko, Sandy Cheng, Carmen Lau
Choreographer | Ali
Cover Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Photo Assistant | Peter Ng, Aaron Ma
Snap Photographer | Peter Ng
Post-Production Supervisor | Arme Lam
Editor | Shing
Colorist | Wing Chan
Graphic Designer | Steph Fong
Visual Effect Designer | Kinson
Video Sound Mixer | Raymond Chan
Storyboard Artist | Mr.B Lee kar fai
Producer | Jake Ng
Client | Warner Music™️
Creative Unit | the.Re.Life™️
Produced by BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【當甜點成為正餐 MC特別客串】
Kiki T (@kiri_thy) 扭擰雪糕屋 Music Video Production
#kirit #twistcone #mc張天賦 #musicvideo #hkmusicvideo #blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい
Product KV Production
PHOTOGRAPHER | Kelly Cheuk & Kwokin
PRODUCER | Annisa Au ⠀
Client | ORONAMIN C 奧樂蜜C™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
日本品牌一定係紅白分明!奧樂蜜 C 油麻地 巨型燈箱廣告,BLAHBLAHBLAH 團隊用一絲不苟精神同精湛技巧,完美複製日本客戶官方水滴同燈光!你睇下啲檸檬幾活潑幾JUICY!要保護產品個招紙同時要複製翻所有水滴位置大小,客戶無要求我地咁做㗎,不過我地就係要好驕傲地做好每個細節,務求品牌響香港一樣咁「日本」!呢啲咪就係熱血囉!
Starbucks™️ x Oatly™️ x Impossible Foods™️
Promotion Video and KV Photography Production
Video Production・
Art Direction・
Retouching & Editing・
Production Management・
Director | Niko
Assistant Director | Jason Kwan
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Assistant Photographer | Chung, Peter Ng
Cameraman | Li Hok Fun
Assistant camera | So Wai Kin
Gaffer | Lee Kwan Wai
Best Boy|Lau Chung Wai, Man Chi Chun
Art Director | Suet Yi
Art Team | Maisy Ho, Go Stephanie Mary, Kiki Chan
Project Manager | Arme Lam
Project Assistant | Samuel Wan
Production Assistant | Chloe Lau, Bobby Kwok
Soundman | R Li Chi Fung
Editor | Makoto
Sound Mixing | Raymond Chan
Producer | Jake Ng
Client | Starbucks™️x Oatly™️ x Impossible Food™️
Starring | Christian Yang
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【從期間限定plant-based美食 迎接生活新常態】
不妨從第一步開始,試試Starbucks™️ x Oatly™️ x Impossible Food™️ 三大品牌聯手名廚Christian Yang泡製的期間限定Plant-based美食!
#blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #christianyang #starbucks #oatly #impossiblemeat #greenpower
Qeelin™️ WULU Red Agate Collection - Blossom Joy
Advertising Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Creative Director | Kelly Cheuk & Kwokin
Producer | Au Che Yan
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk & Kwokin
Art Director | Suetyi
Wardrobe Stylist | Suetyi
Set Production Designer | Maisy Ho
Makeup Artist & Hairstylist | Amy Lee
Studio Manager | Billy Lai, assisted by Wai Jai
Client | Qeelin™️
MUSE | Nikita T.
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【Qeelin WULU Red Agate Collection - Blossom Joy】
Blossom Joy is a photo series for the new red agate WULU Collection which is launching in Lunar New Year. Inspired from the red rose velvety, we clearly presenting this high-end jewellery collection in a romantic but wearable way.
#blahblahblahhk #blahblahblah #kellycheuk #relicsimage #videoproduction #luxury #advertising #photographer #productionhouse #hongkongphotographer #hkphoto #portraits #hkproduction #hkcommercial #artanddesign #portraiture #hkphotographer #photography #studioshoot #commericalphotography #hongkong #creative #canon #canon5ds #qeelin #jewelleryphotography
Water World Ocean Park™️《 星‧海探索 Glamping 》
Campaign Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Video Editing・
Client | Water World Ocean Park™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
MC 張天賦 《 Overkill 》
Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
MC Apostles | Siu Yee Yau, Ah Fat, Oscar Lo, Yip Wai Lam, Wingsi, Carol Yip, Cia, Olivia Lau
The Fugitives | Kelvin Wong, Ho Pui Lam Vincent, Matthew Wong, Rianne Tse, Ngalam, Richelia Yeung, Tang Wing Hong, New Generation Police Props
Hostages | Manchoi (B-Boy), Chung (B-Boy), Rhian Yeung (Tricker), Chujai (Tricker), Ar Ki, Miki Cheng, Donald Chan
Body Double | Bobby Ko
Choreographer | Kenya Boya
Action & Movement Coach | Kelvin Wong
Director | Kelly Cheuk, Kwokin
Assistant Director | Jason Kwan, Lee Hoi Wah
Assistant To Director | Moses, Peter Ng, Bobby Ko
Producer | Kelly Cheuk, Jake Ng
Creative Director | NIKO
Project Manager | Arme Lam
Production Manager | Arme Lam
Assistant Production Manager | Grace Kwong
Production Assistant | Aaron Ma, Li Ming Hua Sosad, Cat Siu, Yatsum, Yee Shan, Priscilla Poon, Chiyan, Alan Choi, Serina Fong
Director Of Photography | Silas Chow
Steadicam | Vincent Ip
B Camera | Pang Ming Hei
Cam Assistant | Li Hok Fun, Sokin
Gaffer | Carter Wong Ying
Electrician | Rabdolph Lam, Jerry Tai, Asahi
Art Director | EastWindGoodArt
Art Team | Lele Cheung, Sam Leung, Fanshu.f, Gin Chan, Jake Wan, Curtis KK
Stylist (MC) | Anson Lau
Styling Assistant (MC) | Eddy Chu
Wardrobes(MC) | Givenchy, Kitwanstudios, Fendi, Ambush, Giuseppe Zanotti, Thoughwefriends, Christian Stone
Make Up Artist (MC) | Tammy Au
Manicurist (MC) | Mei Mei by exitexistnails
Hair Stylist (MC) | Cliff Chan @ Hair Corner K11 Musea
Hair assistant (MC) Rex @ Hair Corner K11 Musea
Costume Designer & Stylist (Cast) | Wan Jansco
Styling Assistant (Cast) | Wong Adrian, Amen Sae-Lee, Tiffany Tsui
Wardrobe (Cast) | Tailored by Theclothesurgeon
Make Up Stylist (Cast) | Gloomy Kwok, Carmen Lau, Cat Yeong
Hair Stylist (Cast) | Vikki Chung, Gloomy Kwok
Hair Assistant (Cast) | Kelvin Wong, Leon chan
Post-Production Supervisor | Arme Lam
Post-Production Coordinator | Wing Chan
Editor | Shing, Amhong Chung
Assistant Editor | Raymond Chan
Digital Imaging Technician | Mary Jan
Colorist | Wing Chan
Visual Effect Designer | Chiky Tsui
Video Sound Mixer | Raymond Chan
Title Design | Peter Lam
Still Photographer | Sunny Liu
Behind The Scene | Adrian Law
| Special Thanks |
hana-musubi™️, HK MAKEUP ARTIST ACADEMY, Viva Hair By Hair Flow Stage™️, Louis Lui
Client | Warner Music™️
Creative Unit | the.Re.Life™️
Produced by BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【在這個失序的世界 沒有甚麼是「正常」的】
#mc張天賦 #overkill #warnermusic #thisismc #musicvideo #musicvideoproduction #kellycheuk #director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
Glowagen™️ -《 Snowe 膠原雪子 X Glowagen Bounce 》
Campaign Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Client | GLOWAGEN™️
Produced by BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#glowagen #supplement #beauty #wellness #skincare #blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #fashion #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #cinematography #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい
華盛通 -《華盛早晨》 我們的女主播
Television Commercial and Key Visual Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Client | 華盛証卷™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
Tang Shu-Wing Theatre Studio™️ 薄伽梵歌
Media Production
【沒受過真正的痛苦 哪會知甚麼是快樂】
Project Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Production Management・
Creative Unit|(Re)
Creative Director | Kwokin
Photographer|Kelly Cheuk
Producer|Jason Kwan
Graphic Design & Printing Production|Benny Leung @ studio-m
Client | Tang Shu-Wing Theatre Studio™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #theatre #TSWtheatre #yoga #bhagavadgita
Advertising Video Production
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
浪矢雄治 | 馮祿德 FUNG Luk Tak
松岡克郎 | 陳健安 CHAN Kin On
桐生敦也 | 蘇振維 SO Chun Wai, Ray
太田翔太 | 袁浩楊 YUEN Ho Yeung
伊勢崎幸平 | 廖國堯 LIU Kwok Yiu
水原芹 | 文愷霖 MAN Hoi Lam, Bubbles
武藤晴美 | 蔡蕙琪 CHOI Wai Ki, Kay
雜貨店小女孩 | 黃詠瑜
WONG Wing Yu, Maisie
WONG Hei Yip, Hailey
WONG Yuen Kiu, Nicole
母親 | 江倩瑩 KONG Sin Ying, Kitty
女兒 | 許倩桐 HUI Sin Tung, Patricia
滑板少年 | 譚博文 Tam Pok man, Bowen
子駿 Louis
牛牛 Cow
電台主持 | 大舊 Hugo
導演 | 郭健 Kwokin
副導演 | 關晉傑 Jason Kwan, 林美兒 Arme Lam, 琛 Sum
監製 | 吳子聰 Jake Ng
製片 | 吳國麟 Dennis Ng
助理製片 | 梁天俊 Jimmy Leung
製作助理 | 吳卓鏗 Peter Ng, 潘諾恩 Priscilla Poon, 陳煒文 Raymond Chan, 鄭鎮海 Moses Cheng, 譚博文 Bowen Tam, 黃智聰 Chung, 文偉 Davi
攝影指導 - 阮智謙 Yuen Chi Him
攝影助理 - 李學寬 Li Hok Fun
燈光師 - 戴子軒 Tai Tsz Hin
燈光助理 - 吳子維 Ng Tsz Wai, 鍾曦彤 Chung Hei Tung, 黃曉陽 Wong Hui Yeung, 周嘉豪 Chow Ka Ho
收音師 - 李嘉慧 Li Ka Wai
美術指導 - 楊海樺 Perry Yeung
美術助理 - 關雪桃 Shadow Kwan, 凌均誠 Dino Ling, 何灝文 Homan Ho服裝指導 - 李靜敏 Rebecca Lee
服裝助理 - 林培豐 Felix Lam
服裝 - 小時光 XiaoShiGuang, Noel Chu Atelier, Vintage 1961
梳化師 - 郭肇勳 Gloomy Kwok
梳化助理 - 楊麗儀 Catyeong, 李茂華 Kenji Lee
劇照 -卓嘉莉 Kelly Cheuk
劇照助理 -馬梓軒 Aaron Ma
剪接師 - 誠 Shing
助理剪接師 - 琛 Sum
調色師 - 誠 Shing
音效設計 - 陳煒文 Raymond Chan
February Thirty
Panda Zoe
Client | 中英劇團™️
Creative Unit | the.Re.Life™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【打破小說、舞台、現實三者界限 深入《解憂雜貨店》的世界】
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
Coffee Lam X Glowagen Supreme NAD+
Advertising Key Visual and Brand Video Production
KV Production・
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Retouching & Editing・
Director | Kwokin
Assistant Director | Jason Kwun
Script Writer | Jason Kwun
Producer | Annisa Au
Project Manager | Yabee Wong
Project Assistant | Saito Chong
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Camera Assistant | Billy Lai, Mo Yu
Cinematographer | Ravel Li
Art Director | Suet Yi
Art Team | Maisy Ho, Andrew Tse
Soundman | R Li Chi Fung
Concept Sketcher | B
Client | Glowagen™️
Starring | Coffee Lam
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
-Special Thanks-
Ceramic Artist | Sze Sai Chin Alex
Floral Artist | Anot Studio
【陶瓷將春泥重塑成美麗 Glowagen廣告短片】
#skin #skincare #love #beautyproducts #beauty #beautytips #blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい
Samuel & Ashley™️ -
Lookbook Collection (Multiple Seasons)
Art Direction・
Retouching & Editing・
Production Management・
Client | Samuel & Ashley™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Campaign Video & Photography Production
Video Production・
Photo Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound Mixing・
Client | 領展房地產投資信託基金™️
Agency | Secret Tour Hong Kong™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
領展可持續未來館已在樂富廣場盛大開幕!這個貼地的教育平台旨在向大眾展示可持續生活的不同實踐方式。首個期間限定主題展覽「綠續開餐 Take Eat Seriously」以貼身的飲食入手,讓市民了解飲食與地球生態的密切關係。在展館預展期間,領展主持了一場別開生面的「不新鮮飯局」,使用已過「最佳食用日期」的食材,為大家示範如何在日常飲食中減少浪費,實踐綠色生活。現在就來看看我們特別為這次活動拍攝的宣傳片,深入了解這場不同凡響的飯局背後的理念吧!
#blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #領展 #可持續未來館 #可持續發展
Samuel Ashley™️ x Hedwig Tam 談善言
Promotion Photo Production
Client | Samuel Ashley™️
Starring | Hedwig Tam
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Video Production・
Art Direction・
Retouching & Editing・
Production Management
Campbell's Soup™️
Food Photography Production (Multiple Seasons)
Food Styling・
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Client | Campbell’s Soup™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Tefal 特福™️
Food Photography Production (Multiple Seasons)
Food Styling・
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Client | Tefal™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Food & Interior Photography Production
Food Styling・
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Photographer | Kelly & Kwokin
Art Direction | Kelly & Lai Suet Yi & Maisy Ho
Producer | Billy
Client |六公館™️
Agency | Chilai Howard & N7 communication Team
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
六公館 Hexa 位處於尖沙咀海旁,坐擁270度維港景致,設計時尚帶點古韻,主打新舊融合的新派中國菜。
澳門輕軌 便捷出行暢通無憂 Advertising Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Marathon Sports™️ FW 22 Cozy Winter
KV Production
Project Management・
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Assistant Photographer | Peter Ng
Lighting | Ravel Fun
Video Director | Jason Kwan
Videographer | Rex Tse
Art Director | Ann Ngai
Project Management | Arme Lam
Assistant Project Management | Serina Fong
Project Assistant | Aaron Ma, Bowen Tam, Mona Lai
MUAH | Gloomy Kwok
Retoucher | Shing, Peter Ng, Aaron Ma
Video Editor | Raymond Chan
Producer | Jake Ng
Client | Marathon™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【Marathon 秋日衣櫃必備單品 – Genderless SWEATER 系列】
秋日穿搭就是要一件SWEATER,休閒百搭整個秋冬! 打造秋日休閒時尚 X 運動造型!
#blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #本地品牌 #marathon #MarathonSports #山系新品 #FW22 #FALL
Catalog FW19 X HK Dancers - 《最自由嘅時尚風格 》
KV & Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Snap Photography & Video Director | Kwokin
Assistant Director | Li Chung Shun
Cinematography | Vincent Ip
Art Director | Maisy Ho
Motion Graphic Designer | Lai Suetyi
Producer | Annisa Au, Billy Lai
Client | CATALOG™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#blahblahblahhk #blahblahblah #kellycheuk #kellycheukjpg #hongkongphotographer #productionhouse #hongkongproductionhouse #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #portraits #portrait #photographer #artdirection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkproduction #hkcommercial #commercialphotography #setdesigner #studioshoot #commericalphotography #artanddesign #creative #lookbook #graphicdesign #keyvisual #layoutdesign#cataloghk #choreography #hkdancer
Kakao Friends™️ x Marathon™️ Summer Time
Key Visual Production
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Graphic Design・
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Assistant Photographer | Chung
Lighting | Li Hok Fun
Art Director | Suet Yi
Art Team | Maisy Ho, Ann Ngai Wing Tung, Kiki Chan
Wardrobe | Go Stephanie Mary
Production Assistant | Bobby Ko, Raymond Chan
MUAH | Shiko Sin
Graphic Designer | Suet Yi
Retoucher | Shing
Retouching Assistant | Peter Ng, Bobby Ko, Serina Fong, Moses Cheng
Project Manager | Arme Lam
Producer | Jake Ng
Client | Kakao Friends™️ x Marathon™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【人氣Kakao Friends聯乘Marathon Sports 尋找夏日的頑趣童心】
Marathon Sports推出一系列男女及童裝服飾配件,更別出心裁聯乘韓國人氣IP Kakao Friends,多個人氣角色以悄皮及童趣方式貫穿整個合作系列中。
#blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #marathon #kakaofriends #kakaotalk #animation #3dcreation
Text by Leo Poon
商界王者標緻Traveller X強勢登場
Advertising Media Production
KV Production・
Video Production・
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Retouching & Editing・
Video Editing・
Director | Niko
Assistant Director | Jason Kwan
Pre-Production Assistant Director | Diz Li
DOP | Baggio Lui
Photographer | Niko
Assistant Photographer | Peter Ng
Art Director | Arme Lam
Art Assistant | Freya Cheung
Production Assistant | Davu Lee, Madrid Lee, Moses Cheng, Raymond Chan
MUAH | Ng HiuTung
Post-Production | Matoko
Post-Production Assistant | Bobby Ko, Serina Fong
Project Manager | Jason Kwan
Assistant Project Manager | Bobby Ko
Producer | Jake Ng
Client | Peugeot™️
Agency | Go In Marketing™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【PEUGEOT全新LOGO 迎接物流新時代】
百年汽車品牌PEUGEOT推出Traveller X,將汽車與物流體驗完美結合,並配上新Logo迎接全新時代。
團隊這次便採用電影式汽車拍攝手法,呈現Traveller X的內外設備全面更新,當中多項嶄新功能都大幅提高了駕駛者與乘客的物流體驗,例如腳控感應式電動雙趟門,就可以單靠腳部活動控制車門開啟,方便搬運。
#blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #汽車拍攝 #carshooting #van #peugeot #travellorx #vehicle
factiv™️ x One Day™️ Last & Lost
Product KV Production
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Art Director | Maisy Ho
Assistant Photographer | Billy Lai, Chung
Design | Innoise
Producer | Jake Ng
Client | Factiv™️ x One Day™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【一段科學的童話 LAST & LOST企劃】
兩個本地品牌的合作——從科學理性上尋找護膚秘密的factiv、從一日之間的純粹感性中構建香水故事的ONE DAY
#blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #本地品牌 #handcream #品牌故事 #視覺企劃 #香味 #記憶 #實驗
Text by Leo Poon
Giorgio Armani™️ Rouge D' Armani
Product Photography Production
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Client | Giorgio Armani™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Market Place™️ by Jasons, TVC & Print Add
Print Advertising Photography | Kelly & Kwokin
Model | Jason Chan & Sharon Chan
Retouching | Kwokin
Client | Market Place™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Bucket™️ Conceptual
Product Photography Creation
Creative Direction・
Art Direction・
Production Management・
Creative Director | Kwokin
Photographer | Kwokin
Props | Billy Lai
Retoucher | Makoto
Graphic Design | inlatank
Producer | Jake Ng
Client | Bucket™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Presented by | Bucket™️ x BLAHBLAHBLAH™️用十分鐘 守護五百年
Ideale Chef 意美廚™️ - Kitty Yuen Siu Yee 阮小儀
Advertising Photography Production
Advertising Photography | Kelly & Kwokin
Retouching | Kwokin
Video Director | Yuen Chi Him
Client | Ideale Chef 意美廚™️
Starring | Kitty Yuen Siu Yee 阮小儀
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Almond Roca™️ CNY Campaign 2021
Advertising Photography Production
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Gaffer | Kwokin
Assistant Photographer | Billy Lai
Digital Assistant | Mo Yu
Producer | Annisa Au
Production Manager | Chloe Lau, Jake Ng & Carrie Yip
Art Direction | Lai Suetyi, Maisy Ho
Wardrobe stylist | Ann Ngai
Makeup Artist & Hairstylist | Gloomy Kwok
Retouching | @MAKOTOTORRO , assisted by Mo Yu
Client | Almond Roca™️
AGENCY | Frengers Communication™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#2021 #cny #almondroca
樂家杏仁糖 新年新氣象!樂家以嶄新 PREMIUM QUALITY 三款口味齊集,打造年輕家庭送禮最佳選擇,大人細路都啱!全新品牌平面廣告由 BLAHBLAHBLAH 團隊和 FRENGERS 協力打造,為客戶呈現富新年氣氛又打破傳統的全新宣傳企劃!
Key Visual Photography & Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Photographer | Kelly Cheuk
Video Director | Kwokin
Cinematographer | Li Hok Fun
Producer | Annisa Au assisted by Chloe Lau & Carol Wong
Art Director | Maisy Ho
Gaffer | Billy Lai, Mau
Makeup stylist & Hairstylist | Cobia Cho
Client | 南順™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#blahblahblahhk #blahblahblah #kellycheuk #kellycheukjpg #hongkongphotographer #relicsimage #videoproduction #productionhouse #hongkongproductionhouse #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #artdirection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkproduction #hkcommercial #commercialphotography #setdesigner #studioshoot #commericalphotography #artanddesign #creative #graphicdesign #shampoo #personalcare #keyvisual #layoutdesign#lamsoon #南順 #樱皇
KAO™️ -
PYUAN™️ Shampoo X Tsumori™️ Chisato AD 2020
Photographer | Kelly
Producer | Anni
Production Assistant | Lilian
Art Director | Suetyi
Props & Setting | Maisy Ho, Lau Wing Hang (on location)
Gaffer | Billy Lai, Li Hok Fun Ravel
Makeup Artist | Amy Lee
Hairstylist | Dennis
Model / Cast / Talent | Grace
Client | KAO™️ (BIORE™️+PYUAN™️)
Agency | Frengers Communication™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
ELEMENTS™️ - ELEMENTS Club Exclusive Watch Appreciation Event Highlights
Videography | Gary, Anson Tam
Client | 圓方™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【香港公開大學】(現為香港都會大學) -
TVC Production
TVC Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Client | 香港公開大學™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
Advertising Photography Production
Photographer | Kwokin & Kelly
Producer | Billy, Assisted by Wai
Video Art Director | Maisy Ho
Wardrobe Stylist | Lai Suet Yi
Video Director | Wong Fei Pang & Lee Hoi Wah Wahdee
Client | 金威寶™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
商務及經濟發展局™️ - 中小企融資擔保計劃
TVAPI Production
TVAPI Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Client | 商務及經濟發展局™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
運輸署 - 公共交通費用補貼計劃
TV Announcements in the Public Interest
TVAPI Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
律政司 - 慎防索償代理招攬生
TV Announcements in the Public Interest
TVAPI Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
香港海關 - 實體貨幣及不記名可轉讓票據跨境流動條例 2018
TV Announcements in the Public Interest
TVAPI Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
康樂及文化事務署 - 歡度中秋 切勿煲蠟、亂拋垃圾及放孔明燈
TV Announcements in the Public Interest
TVAPI Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
Tai Kwun™️《馬會呈獻:小心意 • 大眾樂》HKJC Presents Simple Gifts of Joy
Campaign Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Video Editing・
Client | Tai Kwun™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
HKCLR Corporate Video Production
Corporate Video Production・
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Advertising Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
漁農自然護理署™️ - 《行山有道 之 珍惜山旮旯》
TVAPI Production
TVAPI Production・
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Sound Mixing・
Client | 漁農自然護理署™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
【合作政府廣告 製作山野遠足知識宣傳短片】我們經常製作商業廣告片,這次為漁農署、The Tank與我們合作製作的TVAPI(政府電視宣傳短片)算是另一種嶄新嘗試。
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
Unilever - Trainee Programme
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Client | Unilever™️
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
#director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
SilverBell™️ - ShapePlus Brand Launching Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Video Editing・
Client | SilverBell™️
Production HOouse | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Gin Lee 李幸倪 《IDK》
Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Directed by Kwokin & Kelly Cheuk
Hui Yuet Sheung
To Yim Shan
Chloe Chan
Waiting Su
Lui Shuen Hei Hayes
Special Thanks:
Steak Brothers
DIz Li
Maisy Ho
Mo Yu Kwan Yee
Baggio Lui
Choreographer: Kenny Eg Wong
Editor: Kwokin
Assistant Editor: Jason
Assistant Editor: alicekwan
Colorist: Makoto
Sound Designer: Cyrus Tang
Graphic Designer: Cat Lee
Storyboard Artist: Mr.B Lee kar fai
Lane Crawford
Sennet Frères
Buff Shoe Cabinet
VANN jewellery
The Chance Official
Make Up Artist (Gin Lee):
Circle Cheung
Hair Stylist (Gin Lee):
Make Up Artist And Hair Stylist (Cast):
Hong Kong Makeup Artist
Make Up Artist And Hair Stylist (Cast):
Shiko Sin
Styling Assistant:
Tiffany Liu
Sharine Chan
Art Director & Set Design: Suet Yi
Art Assistant:
Billy Lai
Toast Cheng
Lai Chun Ki Nic
Props Master:
Davu Lee Man Wai
Art Helper:
Chloe Chan
Johnny Kung
Gaffer: Tai Tsz Hin
Best boy:
Chow Ka Ho
Timothy Chan
Chan Ming Hei
Director Of Photography: Yuen Chi Him
Steadicam Operator: Vincent Ip
Assistant Camera:
Li Hok Fun
Ip Tsz Hin
So Kin
Kelly Cheuk
Director: Kwokin & Kelly Cheuk
Executive Producer: Yan Ting
Producer: Jake Ng Tsz Chung
Assistant Director: Jason
Production Manager: Arme
Client | Universal Music™️
Creative Unit | the.Re.Life™️
Produced by BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
GIN LEE 在 MV 中姿態超然如賢者,觀看著女學生的成長過程,但她始終不發一言。因為寬恕他人,需要慈愛的心;要寬慰自己的耿耿於懷,需要閱歷。
#musicvideo #musicvideoproduction #kellycheuk #director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
Edan 呂爵安 《E先生 愛人執照》 Official Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Online Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
曲 : 徐浩 (@terrychui22) / 呂爵安 (@edanlui)
詞 : 黃偉文 (@concertyy)
編 : 黃兆銘 (@nickwong96)
監 : Edward Chan (@edwardchan_emp) / 黃兆銘 (@nickwong96)
Guitars by Nic Tsui (@nictsui)
Electric Bass by Nick Wong (@nickwong96)
Programming by Nick Wong (@nickwong96)
Additional Programming by Edward Chan (@edwardchan_emp)
Strings Conducted by Li Pang
Strings by International Master Philharmonic Orchestra
Backing Vocal | Edwin Tong
Pro Tools Editing by Edward Chan (edwardchan_emp)/ Nick Wong (@nickwong96)
Vocal Recorded by Edward Chan (@nova)
Additional Vocal Recorded by Edward Chan/Sum Yi (@Avon Studio)
Mixed by Edward Chan/ King Kong (@Avon Studio), Assisted by 阿銘
Mastered by Matthew Sim
Label | Music Nation Records Company Limited (@musicnation.official)
E先生 | Edan Lui (@edanlui)
Y小姐 | Shadow Wong (@wty1127)
E先生(替身) | Percy Fok (@percyfok)
Y小姐(替身) | Isabella Shek (@isabellashek)
妹妹 | Diana Chan (@diana_chan2017)
寄養家庭 監護人 | Chan Ching
劍道社 社員 | Justin Lai (@justin_ocl), Cathy Chan (@cathy..tttired), Eric Lau (@elyl_02), King Li (@likaikin), Jodie Ip (@lht.tung) Leo Lein (@lein_chun_hin), Joseph (@joseph.w.)
青年住宿中心 宿友 | Ng Pui Lam Christy (@puilammmmm_) Anabelle Li (, Kloey Kwok (@kloesrh), Ng Wun Huen (@wunhuen), Ching Yin Lam (@chingyin__lam), Yui Wu (@yuichosin)
手搖茶店顧客 | 萱萱爸爸 (@kempkwok), 萱萱媽媽 (@powerpuffiris), 萱萱, Polly
公園流浪狗 | Captain (@captaindogtv), 八筒 (@eightdots_cao), 曲奇(@cookielee20150207)
學生 | Jacky Hui, Agnes Yue, Gemini Wong, Yuen Wai Man, Joey Tang, Tiffany Lo, Maggie Lo, Ngan Chau Yuet, Kenny Cheng, Colman Col, SaiLo, Tszching, Raphael TONG, SF Lui, Chan Yan, Tobby Chui, Jackson Tang, Ng Pak Yan, Gary Leung, Ring Tse, Ranee Tang, Joanne, Kiki, Kami, Carmen, Steven, Latisha Au, Vian Lam, Tang Ka Wing Kary
Producer | Jason Kwan (@jasonkwan921), Kelly Cheuk (@kellycheuk.jpg), Jake Ng (@jake.joke.jaken)
Associate Producer | Alicekwan (@ecilakwan)
Assistant To Producer | Yui Wu (@yuichosin)
Creative Director | Kwokin (@kwokin_x)
Assistant Director | Lee Shun Sean (@seanleeshun), Arme Lam (
Assistant To Director | Yui Wu (@yuichosin), Moses Cheng Chun Hoi (@mosescch_), Lee Man Wai (@davu38)
Casting Director | Alicekwan (@ecilakwan)
Assistant To Casting Director | Serina Fong (@gnserinaof), Zoe Lau (@zoeelauu), Ching Yin Lam (@chingyin__lam), Leo Lein (@lein_chun_hin)
Production Manager | Li Minghua, SOSAD (@sosadli)
Production Assistant | Yau Sam (@yauthree), KaYing (@kaiyinggggg), TSANG Yu Ting (@tytcoco), Marco Cheung (@marcomarcoboiii), Joseph (@joseph.w.), Ching Yin Lam (@chingyin__lam), Zoe Lau (@zoeelauu)
Location Manager | Li Minghua, SOSAD (@sosadli), Terri Li (@terrilllli)
Director Of Photography | Ravel Fun (@ravelfun)
1st Cam Assistant | Chester Leung (@sandleung)
Cam Assistant | Fung Ka Wing (@hana_kawing), Chow Chit Chung (@myynameiskelvin)
Gaffer | Lee Kwan Wai (@kamboy2003)
Electrician | IP Kwok Kin, Man Chi Chun (@manchii), Yeung Siu Ki (@ken_327), Chow Ka Ho (@louischow)
Production Designer | Ann Ngai (@annngaii)
Art Director | Andrew Tse (@anzutse)
Art Assistant | Zelda Tam (@zelda.tam), Lau Chun Kit
Stylist | Min Chan (@chansin)
Styling Assistant | Cheung Siu Mei (@siumei_zi), Erica Yip (@ericaeggyip), Kathleen Chun (@kathleenchunkk), Ching Yin Lam (@chingyin_lam)
Wardrobes | Doughnut (@doughnutofficial), Dr. Martens HK (@dr_martenshk), White Whale & Co. (
Makeup Artist (Edan) | Giann Cheung (@Annie G. Chan Makeup Centre @anniegchan)
Hair Stylist (Edan) | Man Chan@CHIC Private I Salon (@chicprivateisalon)
Makeup & Hair Director (Cast) | Gloomy Kwok (@gloomykwokmua)
Makeup & Hair Artist (Cast) | Hoby Wong, Carmen Lau (@cl_mua)
Artiste Management (Edan) |Ahfa Wong, Angela Hue, Crystal Lam, Cindy Li, Karen Chan, Endy Chan, Ronnie Lai, May Siu, Natasha Hon, Ko, John Lam, Letitia Leung, Yu Hui
Artiste Management (Shadow) | Trial & Error Limited (@trialanderror924)
Still Photographer | Peter Ng (@cheuk__hang)
BTS Photographer | Peter Ng(@cheuk__hang)
Assistant Photographer | Joseph (@joseph.w._)
Assistant of BTS Photographer | Fei Hui (@fei_s_fantasy), Yui Wu (@yuichosin)
DIT | Raymond Chan (@itsyaboiraysir)
Creative Researcher | Ching Yin Lam (@chingyin__lam), Zoe Lau (@zoeelauu), Yui Wu (@yuichosin)
Kendo Advisor | Percy Fok (@percyfok)
Post-Production Supervisor | Arme Lam (
Post-Production Coordinator | Wing Chan (@wingcwh)
Editor | Raymond Chan (@itsyaboiraysir)
Assistant Editor | Kay Luk (@outof.controool)
Colorist | Wing Chan (@wingcwh)
Assistant Colorist | Maryjan (@mj.sinmc)
Sound Designer | Raymond Chan (@itsyaboiraysir)
Title & Cover Art Designer | Cat Lee (@catchacat)
Special Thanks
HKUSTSU Kendo Club (@kendo_ust), Vajra Kendo Club (@kendo_vajra), Youth Outreach (, Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School, Hidden Table (@the.hidden.table), Solight(, CHEF CAP (, E.Tea (Sai Wan Ho) (" @e.tea.hk_swh"), Lam lam, Jojo, EDAN LUI FAN CLUB, Wing Cheng (@wingcwh), Kelvin Wong (@dkkel), Hody Law (@hodylsy), Wong Suk Nga, Li Chung Shun
Special Thanks | Deliveroo Hong Kong (@deliveroo_hk)
Special Thanks | Blue Girl (@bluegirlbeer)
Creative Unit | (
WHIZZ - Sorrowful
Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Cinematographer|RICK LAU
Gaffer|MAX LAU
Art Director|ANN NGAI
Assistant Director|ALICE KWAN, JASON KWAN
Hair Stylist|ANTHONY WONG@Maison Divine | Balmain Paris Hair Couture, EAGCO LEUNG@Tomo Fish
Design House|INNOISE
#sorrowful #whizz #blahblahblahhk #blahblahblah #music #音樂 #hongkong #hk #香港 #musically #musical #instadaily #fancy #selfconfidence #bestoftheday #黃溢濠 #馬俊怡 #張蔓姿 #許月湘 #曾睿彤 #musician #video #fabulous #art #青春 #fearlessfriday #hongkongindie #discoverhongkong #makethingshappen
Sabrina Cheung 張蔓莎 - 自動登入 Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Director | Kelly Cheuk & Kwokin
Starring | Sabrina Cheung
Past Tense Boyfriend | Cheuk Laam @The Baddies Factory
Producer | Jason Kwan / Jake Ng
Assistant Director | Lee Shun Sean
Assistant To Director | Moses Cheng / Yui Wu
Production Manager | Li Ming Hua Sosad
Production Assistant | Aaron Ma, Angus Yeung, Chan Ka Ying
Director Of Photography | Felix Leong
Focus Puller | Sokin
Gaffer | Jerry Tai
Art Director | Suet Yi
Art Assistant | Lee Man Wai, Morgan Lai, Kukki Chan
Make Up Artist | San Chan
Make Up Artist Assistant | Cathy Zhang
Hair Stylist | Lupus Chui @Orient4
Stylist | Exactly The Sam
Stylist Assistant | Krystal Wong
Wardrobe | Christian Loubriton, Dolce& Gabbana, Giuseppe Zannotti, Her, Lane Crawford, Net-A-Porter, Self-Portrait
Artiste Management | Ronnie Fung, Michelle Ko, Beckham Lam, Brad Kwan @Triple S Artiste Management, Jacqueline Liu @One Cool Music
Music Promotion | Pete Yeung, Bon Tong
Editor | Raymond Chan
Colorist | Wing Chan
Assistant Colorist | Maryjan
Online Editor | Lee Shun Sean
Retoucher | Mok
Sound Designer | Raymond Chan
Graphic Designer | Nimyan Chan
Title Designer | Nimyan Chan
Still Photographer | Karlson Tsang
BTS Photographer | Peter Ng
BTS Assistant | Fei Hui
Special Thanks | Sellsondonttouchhead, Sailo, Wing Cheng
Creative Unit | (Re)
#musicvideo #musicvideoproduction #kellycheuk #director #artdirection #hongkong #advertisingcampaign #hongkongfashion #photographer #portrait #portraiture #portrait_perfection #hkig #hkphotographer #hkmusicvideo #hkcommercial #hongkongphotographer #commercialphotography #studioshoot #commericalvideo #artanddesign #artdirectionhk #photoartisthk #makeuparts #beautyhk #advertising
Kiri T -《 Temporary 》
Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Director | Kelly Cheuk, Kwokin
Assistant Director | Jason Kwan, Li Chung Shun
Producer | Annisa Au, Jake Ng
Production Manager: Kinder Lo, Sharis Au Yeung
Cinematographer | Fun
Camera Assistant | Samuel Ip, Jimmy Sheung
Gaffer | Louis Leung
Best boy | Louis KaHo, FreeDrig
Art Director | Suet Yi
Art Team | Alice Kwan, Arme Lam, Emmy Tam, Mo Yu
Set Worker | Andrew Tse
Main Sponsor | No Milk No Life™️
Starring | Kiri, Isabella Chan, Louis Mok, Siuyea Lo, Nichung Dancers | Chacha, HongBoy, Ki Cheung, Leon Leung
Production House | BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
-Kiri & Isabella’s Look-
Stylist | Samantha Cheung
MUA | Gabbie Lee
Hair Stylist | Jaden R@Trinity Salon
Nail Art | Colour Board Nails
-Louis Mok & Nichung & SiuYea & Dancers’ Look-
Stylist | Suet Yi, Emmy Tam
MUA | Deep Choi
Hair Stylist | Dennis Tsui
Kiri’s Wardrobe Sponsor | Seivson, Charles & Keith
Isabella’s Wardrobe Sponsor | Shades Of Silence
Louis Mok & Nichung’s Wardrobe Sponsor | Boss of IMPLY
Dancers’ Wardrobe Sponsor | Levis Hong Kong, PONDER.ER
Choreographer | HongBoy
Assistant Choreographer | Alison
Editor | Kwokin
Graphic Design | Alldaylong Project
Motion Design | On Tung
Dance Venue Sponsor | Studio Danz
Artist Management | Canaan Fong, Goo Music Limited
慶祝 Kiri T《Temporary》MV上架一週年!很榮幸我們團隊能與Kiri合作打造了《Temporary》的MV,亦再次恭喜它入選了Whats Good Music Award 2022 Best MV 10強。
#kirit #temprary #musicvideo #mvproduction #artdirectionhk #nomilkshakenolife #blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい
Gigi Cheung 張蔓姿 - 為民除害
Music Video Production
MV Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Art Direction・
Graphic Design・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Sound design・
Director | Kelly Cheuk & Kwokin
Starring | Gigi Cheung
Fuxk Boi | Pete @thebaddies.factory
The Crush | Richelia Yeung, Kwong Sug Ying Suie
Producer | Jason Kwan, Jake Ng
Assistant Director | Lee Hoi Wah
Assistant To Director | Lee Shun Sean
Production Manager | Arme Lam
Assistant Production Manager | Li Ming Hua Sosad
Production Assistant | Serina Fong, Moses, Raymond Chan, Lee Man Wai
Director Of Photography | Vincent Ip
Cam Assistant | Li Hok Fun
Gaffer | Silas Chow
Production Designer | Kelly Cheuk
Associate Art Director | Sammy Yeung
Art Team | Tammy Tai, GrassYeung, Sam Pang, Jake Wan, Zoe Ng, LilyMak, Lam Yu
Stylist (Gigi & Pete) | Inggrad Shek
Styling Assistant (Gigi & Pete) | Kammie Cheung
Make Up Artist (Gigi & Pete) | Chi Chi Li
Hair Stylist (Gigi & Pete) | ZIVYEUNGHAIR
Stylist (The Crush) | Ann Ngai
Styling Assistant (The Crush) | Alice Kwan
Make Up & Hair Stylist (The Crush) | Gloomy Kwok
Editor | Shing, Raymond Chan
Assistant Editor | Lee Shun Sean
Colorist | Wing Chan
Assistant Colorist | Maryjan
Title Designer | Hailee Chan
Still Photographer | Sunny Liu, Peter Ng
Acting Coach | Kelvin Wong
Client | Warner Music Hong Kong
Copywriter | Leo Poon
【我願以我一個人的折墮 換來世間萬人的幸福】
#blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #張蔓姿 #為民除害 #gigicheung #gigi姐 #為民除害MV #warnermusic
Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong Brilliant Multicultural Centre - Diwali排燈節和錫克教廟 Video Production
Video Production・
Project Management・
Production Management・
Video Editing・
Color Grading・
Music Video Producing and Cover Art Photography
MV Producing・
Project Management・
Cover Art Photography・
MV Produced by Dumb Youth™️ & BLAHBLAHBLAH™️
Director & Editor | Heiward Mak
Producer | Annisa Au, Kwokin
Director Of Photography | Yuen Chi Him
2nd-Unit Cinematographer | Jam Yau
Assistant Camera | Li Hok Fun
Gaffer | Tai Tsz Hin
Electrician | Cheung Kai Hang, Michael Tsang
Production Team | Carrie Yip, Malik
Art Director | Ann Ngai
Art Assistant | Andrew Tse
Stylist | Jo.meh.ah
Styling Assistant | Sam Yeung
Makeup Artist | Carmen Chung
Hair Stylist | Jay Yeung
DIT | Down Wong
Colorist | Dun Lamb
Cover Art Photographers | Kelly Cheuk, Kwokin
Making Of | Down Wong (Video), Rain Yip (Still)
Song Title Handwriting | Manson Cheung
Graphic Designer | Down Wong
Lyrics Translation | Andy Leung
Dumb Youth Artists Manager | Anna Chan
//天崩地裂剎那來臨 仍能優雅的掙扎// 面對無可抵抗的事時,如能在昏亂中好好對待自己或許就是我們存活最好的方式。這是Manson第一首曲詞包辦的單曲。除了MV的Producing外,BLAHBLAHBLAH團隊還負責了Single Cover 及劇照的部分。
#flashback #MV #Musicvideo #singlecover #manson張進翹 #今天我不想做嘢 #blahblahblah #blahblahblahhk #hongkong #hkig #hkiger #hkdesign #hkphotographer #hongkonginsta #photography #art #beautiful #design #lifestyle #advertising #setdesign #artwork #productionhouse #photographer #commercialphotography #creative #artdirection #graphicdesign #studioshoot #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい