In an era where every scroll, click, and view can mean the difference between a customer won and lost, commercial videos stand as the vanguard of marketing. They are not just advertisements; they are visual handshakes, inviting your audience into the world of your brand.
At BLAHBLAHBLAH, an award-winning production house, we excel in transforming your brand's values, messages, and goals into dynamic commercial videos that do more than just sell — they tell a story. Our team combines marketing savvy with cinematic expertise to craft videos that capture attention, ignite desire, and drive customer engagement. Choose BLAHBLAHBLAH to create not just a commercial, but a gateway to your brand's experience. With us, your commercial video is not just seen — it's remembered and acted upon.
Contact us today to discuss your commercial video production needs.
世界自然基金會 (WWF) - 《地球一小時 2025 - 連繫地球一小時》TVC Production
邦民日本財務™️ - 《Let’s GO! 邦民應援團 – 放聲為您打氣》Television Commercial Production
邦民應援團™️ Lolly Talk 應援歌《my PROMISE》Commercial Music Video Production
職業安全健康局™️ - 對付熱暑怪 幾招搞掂晒 TVC Animation Production
Edan 呂爵安 《 油麻地莎士比亞 》 ( Shakespeare of Yau Ma Tei ) MV Production
Lolly Talk《九千九百九十九個我》#9999 Official Music Video Production
Olay™️ 膠原彈潤 Super Boost Television Commercial Production
大埔林海山城 VILLA LUCCA™️ DLN貫徹現代建築美學 ALN園林景觀設計 打造尚綠宜居空間 Interview Video Production
澳門輕軌™️ - 便捷出行暢通無憂 Advertising Video Production
MC 張天賦 《 百萬大道 Millionaire Boulevard 》MV Production
Glowagen™️ - NAD+ Brand Launching Video Production
Prolia博力加™️ -《擺脫骨頭脆 活得更有趣》Commercial Video Production
Catalog™️ - EXPLORE THE DIFFERENCE Advertising Video Production
幸福傷風素™️ - 無睡意幸福傷風素 Television Commercial Production
大埔林海山城VILLA LUCCA™️ J Candice Interior Architects主理特色單位室內設計 打造優雅型格之室內空間 Interview Video Production
Return 回本™️ - 肝機能再生配方 Television Commercial Production
Christian Yang x Starbucks™️ x Oatly™️ x Impossible Foods™️ - 《 星級植物主義 》Advertising Video Production
Herbal Essences™️ - 《 bio:renew 》Advertising Video Production
COLLAR《Atypical》MV Production
Glowagen™️ - Coffee Lam X Glowagen Supreme NAD+ Brand Video Production
華盛証券™️ -【華盛早晨】我們的女主播 Advertising Video Production
Catalog™️ - 《最自由嘅時尚風格 》 Commercial Video Production
Catalog™️ - 《最自由嘅時尚風格 》 Commercial Video Production
海洋公園 x 高達之父™️-「大河原邦男 50 周年展」Advertising Video Production
Catalog™️ - 《最自由嘅時尚風格 》 Commercial Video Production
Glowagen™️ -《 Snowe 膠原雪子 X Glowagen Bounce 》Campaign Video Production
Water World Ocean Park™️ 星‧海探索Glamping Promotion Video
Ocean Park™️ -【哈囉喂全園祭2022】 Advertisement Video Production